Chapter 262: Battling an ice revenant (4)

Clashes of metal against metal rang throughout the room along with the occasional explosion caused by Lola. The three of them working in concert managed to keep the ice revenant on the back foot, slowly but surely causing damage. Their methods were not the most logical and in some cases very risky, but it preserved the monster's core best. 

By attacking the armour as well as the semi-ethereal limbs connecting the pieces of runic armour they ate away at revenant's energy. Just like how Frost cut down the frost elemental, repeated attacks dwindled its ability to reform its body causing it shrink and heal slower. Their aim for the revenant was much the same. However, unlike the frost elemental it didn't shrink in size but the glow of its semi-ethereal body and the runic markings on its armour dimmed with every blow.