Chapter 263: Battling an ice revenant (5)

Frost stood boldly before the massive broadsword that had been launched his way like an unending thrust. His eyes were calm and focused, his breathing steady and relaxed, yet a large smile adorned his face. Though it was only for a single or perhaps a few moves he was, facing down a C-rank monster by himself. Sam and Lola were attending to their own needs, by his own volition Frost requested to handle the 4 metre giant alone. He'd buy time for his teachers to rest and recuperate while at the same time test his limits. His pseudo aura had come a long way over the course of his excursion into the glacial mountains, as did his glaive mastery. Now it was time to really put the strain on his body and attempt to further his strength. Alone especially in the revenant's mad filled state, he was not its opponent. Only when one reached the very peak of C-rank or even B-rank would one be able to take on a mid C-rank monster such as the ice revenant alone. Frost was not at that level…..yet.