Chapter 604: After war celebrations (4)

Ladius and Terrance fought against the bustling crowds as they tried to exit the adventurer's guild and return to their inn. Ladius even made sure to holler at Frost in the distance, reminding him about his promise of drinks later this evening. The young dungeon core shook his head and waved his hand high up in the air as he made his way back to his office with Kiba by his side. Mayoral work was finally over so they could return to the Dungeon. 

"Garow?" Kiba chuffed in question the moment the door closed. 

"Yes you can go for a nap now, but I want you to get some more exercise in your life. Whenever Nanna and Loki head for the training space I want you to join them lest you truly become an oversized housecat."

"Gruff!" Kiba replied with an annoyed grunt before teleporting back to the private space, leaving his master alone in his office.