Chapter 605: After war celebrations (5)

Frost stood in awe at the two beauties standing before him. For over 4 hours they had been stuck in their rooms picking out their attire for this evening, determined to show up one another. Frost had sat on the sofa patiently for the past 90 minutes and was just about to forcibly drag them out when the bedroom doors opened and revealed their chosen garments. He was stunned by their beauty, one dressed provocatively and the other refined and delicate, both equally tantalising to the eyes. 

When Daki asked for his opinion his mind drew a complete blank, he honestly couldn't think of any words that could possibly come close to describing what he saw. He simply enjoyed the sight for a brief moment before his lips formed a joyful smile. A few tears then leaked from his eyes as he reached out and hugged these two beautiful women, drawing them close to his chest as if he needed physical contact to prove that this was not a dream.