Cap 525: Anton motivated

After we took the money from Anton's weapons that were sold at auction, the Fairy who had been following Nashara returned to the Dungeon through my shadow straight into the Cradle of Fairies. 

We leave there and go to a restaurant to eat on Anton's expense, then head back to the place where we will live while we settle in this town. 

The place was pretty tidy for an abandoned house for several weeks, all we try helping Freya, Alice, Nolan, and Caryna clean up for the day's stash. 

I couldn't tell if it was night or day when I looked out the window. 

"I'm back master." (Nix) 

"Were you able to do what I asked?" (I) 

"Yes, it will start in two days." (Nix) 

"Do you think it's okay to do this without talking to him?" (Nix) 

"Of course he will, he will complain, but it will all be out of hand, the truth is that he will love to participate." (I) 

"What are you two up to?" (Elsaris)