Cap 526: Margareth

Luckily I was able to find a small restaurant that serves coffee or at least a magical variant of coffee, but the thing I noticed was that the liquid was thicker and richer in mana, the shop was small, but a lot of people passed by to buy bottles of coffee and sweets. 

"I see you like coffee too, you don't see many people your age who like it." 

An elderly woman sits at the same table as me, she's a Vampire, but she's disguising herself as an old woman in her 60s or 70s. 

"I like this coffee, but I think it would be better if it was a little sweeter." (I) 

"A childlike palate from what I see." 

I try to read that person's Aura but I found that I can't, in fact, if I can't even feel that person's presence, if I close my eyes it would be like I'm alone, I've never met someone who could completely hide from my senses beyond Elf Queen Luthien and the spirit of the World Tree Luth.