Cap 695: Agreements between merchants

Pov Nira: 

During the morning I get up next to Irina, it took me a while to get her to let go of me without waking her up, so I put some clothes on before going to the bathroom and then going down to the dining room that Yomi already warned me was full of food. 


When I came out of the bathroom I noticed that my clothes weren't suitable for the mission, so I went into the master's room and asked Nix to take me to the mansion through the Spirits' portal in the master's shadow. 

As soon as I got to my room and went straight back to the dining room I already knew where it was, I found Lilian finishing her meal with Elsaris and Ivan. 

I greet everyone before sitting down. 

"Are you ready for today, Ivan?" (I) 

"Of course, I don't need to do anything and just let Vice take care of everything." (Ivan) 

"I wish you would take your responsibilities more seriously." (I)