Cap 696: Finding the ruler of crime

Pov Nira: 

I talked for a little over 30 minutes about the 6 stores and the Trade Guild employee by the name of Bryan said he could find some traders willing to leave their stores inside the Guild for the time I mentioned to him. 

We entered into an agreement that he would talk to these merchants, he also told me that he would hold the last two stores for me and delay the delivery of the second one if the merchant in question allowed. 

I wrote a draft of an agreement for him to present to these merchants, to present fair terms and an attractive price for the time I'm asking, I hope this streamlines this whole process. 

After that I started talking to him about the Auction, according to him only the Commerce Guild is authorized to hold auctions, but I could talk to the Guild Master to host an Auction where we will be in charge of everything with a Guild employee supervising everything closely.