Chapter 93

A few days after their last battle, Prince Gyassi and his army were on the move again. A messenger just arrived a day ago that a massive army of monsters were headed to the Town of Gilban which was only a few days march away from the merchant city, Alsenna.

The merchant city of Alsenna is by far the biggest gold pot of the kingdom. It is in that city where most of the treasury of Ereia comes from. Alsenna was the center of trade and commerce, as it is located in the center of the Ereian Kingdom.

It was an order from the king that the city must not be reached by the army of monsters no matter what happens or all of his vanity will not be fulfilled. The city of Alsenna was the old capital of the kingdom until the grandfather of the current king moved it to Ishtar to pay respect to his queen who came from Ishtar and also as a way to bring away the political struggles of the kingdom far from kingdom's City of Wealth.
