Chapter 94

Two days into the march after Commander Ishaq made his suggestion. The long line of Ereians continued on their forceful march along the scorching sands of the desert towards the Town of Gilban. Hundreds upon hundreds of the recruited peasants fell down because of exhaustion.

Commander Ishaq was frowning all the way after the two bootlickers drove him away with a threat that he is sure that they can never accomplish. His frown turned to a scowl many times whenever a peasant soldier fell down, he would be the first to assist the fallen soldier.

"Keep moving! Don't give up! The Town of Gilban is already nearby. Squeezed out every ounce of strength that you can muster and focus them all on your feet. Keep your legs moving! It won't be long now!" He tried to lift the wavering will of the soldiers that had trembling legs and even using their spears as walking sticks just to move forward and continue on the march.