Chapter 225

Khao'khen was quick to wake up after hearing the many footsteps that were coming nearer and nearer to where he was at. His nerves were always on the alert ever since he arrived in Azgalor and even during times that he should be resting, his mind can't stop being always vigilant. He grabbed his weapons which always remained by his side and headed towards the entrance of his tent.

"Apologies from disturbing your rest, chieftain but we have something urgent to report!" someone called out to him.

Khao'khen took a glance at the riders who seemed to be excited about something which puzzled him. Their breaths were ragged and sweat dripped down the sides of their faces but they were still smiling.

"Chief, we discovered a small army of humans that took camp just half an hour of march from our encampment. They might be scouts sent ahead of the main army." The leader of the squad of riders reported.