Chapter 226

"Why don't we just start slitting their throats while they are asleep." One of the riders who was with Khao'khen suggested in a whisper like voice as he started to unsheathe his blade from its scabbard.  Khao'khen turned his head towards the members of the Warghen Clan who were with him and saw them all with their blades out from their coverings.

"Chief, should we?" one of them asked as he gestured a slitting of a throat with one of his hands while pointing his blade at the nearest enemy that he could spot.

After giving it some thoughts, Khao'khen shook his head at the suggestion of the riders as he finally remembered that he told a big ball of flesh of a human to use to white bands to signify that they are friendlies and not hostiles.

"We need to find the biggest person around, what I mean by the biggest is the fattest one around here like a big ball of flesh." He commanded as he started looking around for his target.