Chapter 227

Khao'khen gave out one heavy sigh after Badz told him every detail of what happened after they separated. Based on the details given out by his gluttonous friend who was happily munching again on the pieces of dried meat that he received from the riders after asking for some food, they wouldn't be facing any strong opponent to soon.

Khao'khen also had some plans of his own by helping Adhalia with her revenge. With Ereia as a buffer zone against the other lands nearby, he can deny his possible enemies in the future from gaining information about them and his horde. According to the information that he gained from those around him, orcs from different tribes would gather together to form hordes and go on raids like the ones that he participated in before. But the aim of the orc hordes would be to pillage or to seek better locations to settle and not conquest for expansion of their lands like how he wanted.