Chapter 371

Eris looked at Redore with surprise, but also with a hint of amusement. "My lord, I appreciate your feelings, but you must understand that we are in the midst of a war. We shouldn't let our emotions cloud our judgment or distract us from our mission."

Redore nodded, understanding her point. "I know, and I'm sorry. But I couldn't help myself. You're an incredible woman, Eris. I've never met anyone like you."

Eris smiled at him, her eyes softening. "Thank you, my lord. But we have to focus on the task at hand. There will be time for everything else later."

Redore nodded, feeling a sense of disappointment but also a renewed sense of determination. He knew that Eris was right. They couldn't afford to let their emotions get in the way of their mission. They had to focus on defeating the enemy and securing a lasting peace for their people.