Chapter 372

A bit over half an hour of march away from the outskirts of Baron Ragab's territory was the camp of Khao'khen and his warriors. They were just waiting for the arrival of the First Kanikarr Corps and the siege weapons.

He was almost certain that the following battles would be sieges. After all, their enemies have lost again and again against them in pitched battles. They should have already wised up and avoid confronting his horde and their allies on an open battlefield.

"Chief, they have arrived." Gur'kan came to report. He saw the chieftain staring at the map spread out on the makeshift table.

The chieftain nodded his head. "Inform everyone to be at the ready. We will move out in the morning," he ordered.

As Gur'kan turned to leave, Khao'khen's gaze returned to the map that was in front of him. Thanks to the scouting of the Warghen Clan, almost the entire layout of the baron's territory was known by them.