Chapter 373

The certain possibility of Ishaq and his men participating in the upcoming battle didn't stop the horde. Instead of fearing a powerful foe, the orcs felt excited. Fighting someone as strong as Ishaq was like a shot of adrenaline to them.

During the march of the horde, the ground trembled a bit. The lands of the baron seemed to be quaking in fear at the presence of the orcs.

In the distance to the south, bald mountains can be seen as the sun shines down on the sand that stretches for miles. Near the river, scattered rocks reflect against the endless blue sky.

The desert extends as far as the eye can see; the sun blazing high in a cloudless blue sky. Most of the ground is brown and barren, the grains of sand hot and coarse. The only lands that had some vegetations were the ones close to the river.

The air tastes like hot sand, but so dry that it sticks to the tongue and is difficult to swallow.