'What is this huh?' Mr. Park asked. 'Can't you at least get a decent grade?' He shouted. 'B is a decent grade. I'm sorry I couldn't get an A. What's the big deal?' Aera asked from her dad. 'Deal? We are paying for you. For you to study. And this is the result.' Mr. Park said showing Aera her result sheet. 'What dad? Weren't you the one who said in the morning, don't worry about my results and you said no ones perfect? Didn't you say that dad? Aera asked.' Oh did I? My mistake Ms. Aera. See did you see? Huh? You always say she's a girl still small. What the heck huh?' Mr. Park asked angrily from Aera's Mom. 'Why are you like this Aera? If you at least have a stable wish, dream or goal in life we can help you. You aren't even telling us that' Mrs. Park said sounding disappointed. 'What goal are you talking about to her? She doesn't have any. She just wanna chill. That's IT' said Mr. Park. That's when Aera made up her mind to tell them. 'I have a dream. I don't wanna just chill dad. I want to be a singer. An artist' Aera said. 'THERE SHE GOES WITH A STUPID DREAM. ARE YOU INSANE HUH? A SINGER? WHAT'S GOTTEN IN TO YOU? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU HUH?' Mr. Park yelled. Aera didn't keep her mouth shut. ' I'm not insane dad. That's my dream and what's wrong with it? Tell me huh? I'm not doing a killing job. ' She said. ' Fine. You wanna be a singer? ' Mr. Park asked. Aera didn't know where this was going but she nodded. ' that's your final decision? ' Mr. Park asked again. ' Yes absolute final. I want to be a singer and no one else. ' Aera said. ' OK then, leave this family, this home if you want to be a singer, stay here if you don't wanna be a singer. Choose' Mr. Park said. Aera's mom's eyes widened but she knew she can't argue with her husband. She just stayed silent. Aera was stuck. She loved her family but also her dream is to be a singer and no one else. Aera wanted to do a job she loves. 'I will be a singer and I'll leave this house' Aera said hiding her tears. Aera's mom was so surprised. Aera had nothing else to do. That was her dream. Mr. Park didn't seem sad or disappointed at all. 'Leave. NOW and DON'T COME BACK. Come back if you change your mind. Come back if you want to be anything else and not a singer. If not, don't come back. If you come here with the dream of wanting to be a singer, you will find these doors shut on you. That's FINAL.' Mr. Park said. He seemed to have made up his mind. Aera bought herself together.' Fine. I will leave and I won't come back because I will be a singer and that won't change. I won't change my dream for anyone. Not anyone. ' Aera looked at her mom and dad. She went upstairs to pack her clothes. Aera had no idea about where she's gonna stay. She didn't even know where to go.' I don't care if I have to stay or live or sleep on the road. I don't care. I will win this. I will be a singer. No one can stop me.' Aera told her self. After packing she came down. Her parents were still there. Her elder brother also was standing. He couldn't to anything. He wanted to help but he can't go against his father's word. ' Mom, Dad, Oppa, I'm leaving' Aera said and reached for thr door handle. She didn't wait till they tell her to stop because she knew they won't say it and even if they did, she would've ignored. She went out of the house and took one last glance at it. 'I don't know if I'll ever come back. Thanks for giving me shelter all these 16 years ' Aera told her self and started walking on the road of her dreams.