Aera kept walking and walking. She was so tired that she stopped in front of a gate and sat down. She kept her head between her knees and she hugged her knees. Suddey someone patted her shoulder. She flinched and turned around. She saw an old lady. She stood up fast and bowed to her. 'Hello ma'am' she said. 'Kid aren't you cold? Staying out like this? You should go home ' The old lady said. 'Actually I have nowhere to go so I'm just staying here.' Aera said. 'Oh my dear child, come in with me. Don't stay out. Come in come in' She said and helped Aera to stand up. She took her inside. 'Call me grandma. From now on I'm your grandma.' the lady said with a smile. Aera smiled and nodded. 'SEOBANG! COME DOWNSTAIRS' grandma called. Aera saw an old man coming down the stairs. Grandma told everything to him and he happily nodded and came to give Aeara a hug. They all went to sit on a table and talk. 'So grandma, what's your surname?' Aera asked. 'Wang, child' Grandpa said with a smirk. 'I don't know why but he's so proud of it' said grandma. Aera laughed. 'My name is Aera. Park Aera.' Aera introduced herself. 'Why would you leave home Aera?' grandma asked. Aera sighed before answering them. 'I have a dream of becoming a singer. Thats all I love and they want me to change it. My dad got angry and asked me to choose . He said if I wanna be an artist, leave home and don't come back. So I left.' Aera said. 'It's OK child. You can stay here. Your dad did something wrong.' said grandma. I looked up at her. Grandpa nodded. 'Yeah, he should have helped you instead of asking you to leave. They should realize kids dreams.' He said. Aera nodded. 'So let's have dinner' said grandma and went to the kitchen. She bought some instant ramen noodles. I loved it. After dinner, Aera said goodbye to grandma and grandpa. She went upstairs to sleep. Grandma had given her the guest room. She couldn't sleep so she checked her phone. No message from her family members. She sighed and put the phone away. She knew tomorrow she had school but she made up her mind not to go to school. She stayed up late for sometime and went to sleep. The next day she was woken up by grandma. 'Grandma?' Aera asked in a sleepy voice. 'Yes, my child. Come down let's have breakfast.' she said and Aera for off the bed and went downstairs after having a wash. Breakfast was on the table and it smelled so delicious that made Aera wanna jump to the seat and start eating. 'What will you do today Aera?' asked grandpa. 'I'm going to audition for the ParkJen Entertainment company.' Aera said. 'Oooh that's great.' said grandma and both grandma and grandpa wished Aera luck. Aera said thanks, gave them a hug and ran upstairs to practice. At school, Jiha was searching for Aera. She saw Yuna and Jisoo. Jiha ran towards them and asked if they had seen Aera. They both said no. Jiha along with them started searching for Aera. Whole they were walking, Jiha saw Jimin. She thought maybe he did something to her. She went towards Jimin. 'Hey, Jimin. What did you do to Aera huh?' she asked going near him. He was puzzled because he didn't know anything. 'What do you mean by that? What I did to her? Why would you think I did something for Aera huh?' Jimin asked. Jiha then knew Jimin also hadn't done anything to her. She was more worried. 'I'm sorry. It's just Aera's not at school. She never gets absent from school unless she have some sickness. She always inform me. Yesterday night I sent her so many messages but she didn't reply to a single message. She never do that' Jiha said teary eyed. Jimin understood Jiha and patted her shoulder . 'Don't worry. I'll help her find her OK? Go to class, after school we'll meet up and see.' Jimin said. Jiha nodded and went to class. Jimin was so worried. 'Aera is not at school? I have to find her. I hope nothing bad happened to her.' Jimin said to himself and walked away with his friends for the class.