The jungle awaits

Olivia came towards me with a smile on her face.

My gaze fell on her, and I commented, "I never knew you were a soldier. You surprised me."

In the end, she merely smiled but said nothing.

Then she looked at everyone and said, "It's time to go," then she started walking toward the helicopter.

Looking at her back, I thought, "I don't know why, but everyone thinks it's cool to act mysterious,"

While inside the helicopter, I saw other soldiers as well. I sat there and closed my eyes, feeling at peace.

As I contemplated the time I spent at the facility, as I trained with Alexandra, I realized how close we became.

The more I learned about her, the more I understood, she was like Olivia's father, a fleet commander in the forces. The more she told me about this world, the more I realized I am trapped in this horrible world, where you will not even know when you will die.

There is no telling when aliens will attack, so it is the role of the forces to prevent that. Any slack on their part will lead to destruction.

According to her, it is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak, but I disagree with her opinion.

While I may be selfish, I cannot protect someone I don't even know.

So, here's why I'm going through this shit because I want to become stronger. I can't rely on others to protect me.

Suddenly, I felt someone tapping on my shoulders. When I opened my eyes, I found it was Diana.

"What's up?" I asked as I looked at her.

She smiled and asked, "Are you nervous?".

I shook my head and closed my eyes as I replied, "Why would I be? We are going to live in the jungle again, what's the difference?"

I heard her voice say, "That's true, what's the difference, we are going back home again."

Yes, it's true, I have spent little time in the city and I am now going to the jungle again. The only difference is that it will be more dangerous. We don't know what type we will encounter."

Regarding Diana, I also spent a great deal of time with her. While she behaved properly, I kept my distance from her.

I am not sure whether or not she is the same as me, nor what her motive would be.

In some ways, I feel like I am a puppet, having no control over myself, just doing what that GOD wants me to do.

Hah, It doesn't matter. I can only get stronger to avoid this fate.

It was a long time before I opened my eyes and noticed that Olivia was seated opposite me and staring at me intently.

She smiled and said, "You were sleeping like a log for five hours, we are almost there"

"Five hours?" I thought, surprised by how long I slept without even realizing it. Perhaps my body was too fatigued after training so hard with Alexandra.

I shook my head in disbelief while looking at her and asked, "This fast?"

"This is normal. Anyway, today is the day when the formalities are completed for joining the forces. Tomorrow you will enter the jungle," she said.

Nodding again, I closed my eyes. And thought about what Alexandra told me about the selection.

Only the very best join the forces. It is only ten percent of those who survive in that jungle who will be eligible. They would be selected based on their performance.

Furthermore, many places in the jungle have not been explored yet. You can call it a hunch, but I have the feeling that something interesting will happen to me in this jungle.

After opening my eyes, I glanced outside the window to see greenery I had never seen before. It took me a while to realize we were above the jungle. This jungle was huge, as wide as the ocean.

As soon as the helicopter landed, I walked out and saw a massive building in front of me.

I glanced around to see many soldiers guarding the entrance to the building.

As Olivia led the way, we followed her and entered the building.

I saw a vast crowd. Perhaps they were also entering the jungle, and it was the first time I saw different races mixing, something you won't see in the city.

There were many humans, mixed humans, and there were many beauties mixed up in there as well. That ghost I heard about would be that invisible man.

I felt the gazes of the beauties locked on me. Ah, I see, my charm is irresistible.

Upon arrival at the special counter, Olivia instructed us to wait, and after a period she pulled me up to the counter and handed me a card, and said

"Welcome to the special forces"

And a notification popped into my head.

"Task Completed"