The Village History(II)

It quite surprised me when I heard her - is she mad or what?

"Are you serious?" I gasped. There's no way in hell one could be alright after listening to this.

"Do you think I'll joke?" she said with a serious expression.

My mouth opened a few times, but nothing came out. My head shook in denial as I asked her.

"Are you sure it was me, it may have been someone else? There are many people in this jungle, don't you know?" I asked her.

Why does everything she says seem like a movie plot to me?

"I too would like to believe it is false, but it is what it is," she replied.

There was a moment of awkward silence between us, but eventually, I opened my mouth to say.

I asked her firmly, "OK, let's be honest for a moment. Do you really think you can rely on me, considering how weak I am compared to you guys?".

"It is better if we leave that for the future. Anyhow you have to stay with us, we cannot let you go into the outside world," she replied and left the place.