Is it Diana?

I could see Amelia's curious eyes fixed on me.

"What's up?" I asked her without thinking about it.

"Come for dinner," she said, but stood there in front of the door.

As I put on my clothes, I said "I'll be joining you guys in a moment."

However, she remained motionless at the door. When I changed into my clothes, I moved towards her without a second thought.

Her eyes were fixed on me for a long time as if she wanted to say something, but she decided not to speak and turned around to leave.

There was an awkward atmosphere between us.

Yet again, after a few minutes, I noticed that the people in the village had gathered for dinner. 

As I walked in, everyone looked at me with a curious gaze, and I even observed that some were trying hard not to laugh. Despite this, I didn't mind them at all; I knew it was odd to see a man with a tail, but with no hair on his body.