Meeting again

Did they found about the blood of GOD?

No, it can't be. They didn't even test my blood. And they can't find anything from my memory.

I sighed and asked, "What happened?"

That scientist stopped inspecting my body and looked at me, "Incredible, you became so strong in this short amount of time, it was incredible,"

Hah, so that's it. I know I am incredible, and he is really impressed by me. 

"You did you find any abnormalities?" I asked that scientist, who was staring at my body as if my body is something delicious.

My question broke his thoughts, as he looked at me and shook his head.

"No, nothing, no abnormality, you are a rare piece of art," 

He looked at me as if he had become a fanboy of mine.

"I have to speak to you," I looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

"Sure," That man nodded at me.

I quickly changed into the clothes given to me by the forces and went towards that middle-aged man.