Meeting Olivia's mother

As I made my way towards Olivia's home, only one thing was going on in my mind.

"Why is her mother wants to see me?" 

As I gazed out of the window, the futuristic city caught my attention. Every time I come to the city, this place never ceases to amaze me. It particularly looked like any city in a Hollywood movie. Sometimes I wonder how those writers got the idea to write cities like that.

And the most important part of this city was not only humans, but there were also many hybrids living here. Even though humans were in the majority, everyone got mixed up amongst themselves.

Before coming into this world, I wouldn't have imagined that I would see this kind of place, let alone live in this world.

And now I am here, the resident of this world, and most importantly, now I am part of the special forces. They are known as the elites of this world?

Who would have expected that I would be this special?