Second Evolution?

Name: Alan

Age: 28

Species: Evolved Monkey [1st Evolution Completed]

Level: 25

Strength: 100

Agility: 95

Intelligence: 95

Luck: 53

Elemental Ability: Fire


Teleport: Host can teleport within the radius of 100 meters [Gained Ability from Mutated Snake] (Upgraded)

Skin Hardening: Hardens the Host's skin [Gained ability from Alligator]

Supreme Speed: Increases the Host's speed 3* Normal [Gained ability from Mutated Cheetah]

Camouflage: Allows Host to blend into the surrounding [Gained ability from Chameleon]

Spike: Allows Host to grow spike from its body [Gained Ability from High Leveled Mutated Snake]

Mental Strike: Ability to strike the opponents using the Consciousness

I was stunned when I saw the screen in front of me.

What the fuck happened? Why did my every attribute increase by twenty points?

But I quickly removed the screen and looked at both ladies and said,