
"Now I have to babysit a grownup man," Tanya mumbled as she stared at Alexandra.

Even I was dumbfounded by the news. What Alexandra said was the truth, but I didn't expect that she would assign Tanya to be with me.

But again, Alexandra's voice reached my ears.

"It was not my decision, but it was the headquarters who decided that," Alexandra paused, while her gaze was fixed on Tanya.

Tanya was dumbfounded as she pursed her lips and looked at me. A shiver ran down my spine at the way she looked at me. As if I am the reason for her current predicament. 

Hah, even though I was the reason, it was not me who told her to come with me. But still, she looked like she was going to vent all her anger on me.

A sigh escaped my lips as I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them again to look at the two ladies in front of me.

I was astonished as both of them were looking at me. I think my sigh had attracted their attention.