
"Should we proceed?"

I heard his voice as he stared at me. I don't know what he is going to do. 

"What are you going to do?" I asked, as my eyes were fixed on him. 

A smile could be seen on his face as he said, "It's time for me to merge with you." But my heart started beating faster when I heard his words. What is he talking about? What merged? He said nothing like this before.

"What merged?" I asked, as my brows scowled and I looked at him.

Don't be worried. Nothing is going to happen to you. What I meant by "merge" is that all my experiences will be given to you. You wouldn't face any obstacles to becoming powerful. You will gain many more memories, which will slowly unlock when the time is right, "he said while his smiling face was visible before me.

And before I could ask anything, he interjected, "Don't worry. I will not take over your body. Since you and I are the same, It doesn't matter. "