News about Adrian?

"Do you even need to ask? You know the answer, right? You were that GOD in the previous life, right?"

My heartbeat sped up, but I didn't let it show on my face as my steps came to a halt while my eyes stared at her.

"What are you saying?" I asked, my brows furrowed.

A smile was still visible on her face. "I said that you were that GOD, right?"

My brows were arched when I heard her words. How could she think like this? How could she find that I am the reincarnation of the GOD? But a smirk appeared on my face.

"Your thoughts are too fanciful. How could you think that I was the GOD?"

Her brows were raised, while the smile was still visible on her face. "I know that you will not accept it. Maybe you don't even know about it. But anyway, I would tell you my reasoning."