That Was My Boyfriend Just Now

Just as the two of them had found a place to sit, Ming Lai waltzed over with her friends in tow.

"Ming Qu, Mom wanted you to go on a blind date. What are you doing here?"

"A blind date?"

"Stop joking around. The blind date was supposed to be with the young master of the Yun family..."

As she was speaking, she turned to look at Gu Yuzhen, and her eyes lit up instantly.

There was probably no other man in the entirety of Tong City that could compare to Gu Yuzhen. It was not unusual that any normal woman would be smitten at first glance.

Ming Lai was one of them.

As the eldest daughter of the Ming family, however, she couldn't lose her composure. She smiled demurely. "This is..."

Ming Qu didn't reply. Instead, she looked to Gu Yuzhen who was facing her, as if she was watching a show.


The man's voice was cold and magnetic, but his gaze was fixed directly at Ming Qu.

It was obvious that he had no interest in her, but Ming Lai, persisting shamelessly, smiled as she asked, "Then, Mr. Gu, can we share a table?"

Upon hearing this, Ming Qu frowned. "Sister, I'm on a blind date."

Ming Lai turned around to look at her, shooting her a warning look with her eyes. Without speaking, she lifted her from her seat. "What blind date? Yun Li is sitting right over there."

Ming Qu stumbled, almost falling. Gu Yuzhen quickly pulled her into an embrace as he comforted her softly. "Are you alright?"

Before she could respond, a man approached. "Which one of you is Miss Ming Qu?"

"I am."

Ming Qu broke free from Gu Yuzhen's embrace with a nonchalant expression.

Wasn't this the man that Gu Yuzhen had pointed out earlier, sitting at the dining table and waiting for someone?

"Young Master Yun, aren't you going to bring my sister over?"

Ming Lai interrupted promptly with a smug look on his face.

Gu Yuzhen's face wore a stormy expression.

However, Ming Qu had her own plans. She turned around and winked at Gu Yuzhen, as if she was trying to reassure him. She then followed the man to his table.

The two of them sat down. The man was courteous, but he was clearly bothered.

"Just now, that gentleman..."

" A friend."

The food was served. Ming Qu seemed unbothered as she lowered her head and started to eat.

The man only drank red wine. Judging from her appearance, he found no problems with her.

"Our two families are intertwined. I have a distant aunt who married into the Ming family's collateral line and gave birth to a pair of twins. They're almost fifteen now."

"I'm not too sure about that. I used to live in the countryside, and I only just came back recently."

"The countryside?"


"I couldn't tell. You and your sister are both known as Tong City's beauties. You must have graduated from a famous school."

"No, I've never studied before."

Ming Qu had heard enough from him. She wiped her mouth as she stood up to leave.

"By the way, that was my boyfriend just now."



Ming Qu left the table. She didn't return to Gu Yuzhen. Instead, she walked right out.

Just as she had walked out of the door, she felt her wrist being grabbed. Turning her head, she saw Gu Yuzhen's distinct face.

From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Ming Lai, who had just caught up after running after them. Her lips broke into a sly smile as she went forward, hugging Gu Yuzhen's waist.

Their affectionate display immediately attracted many envious gazes.

Ming Lai, who had just caught up, froze on the spot. She wore a horrid expression, as if she had tasted something foul.

Being the person involved, Gu Yuzhen's mood had been like a roller coaster. He had been furious when she had left him to follow another man, especially since he had to face a woman who was infatuated with him.

"You promised to have dinner with me, but you broke your promise."

"Let's go, we'll go now."

He complained, but he had been caught off guard by her embrace. She raised her head to look at him, agreeing readily.

As their car left, Ming Lai chased after them, discontented. She was so angry that her lungs felt like they were about to explode.

"Ming Lai, when did your sister find such a handsome man?"

Her friend's words added fuel to the fire.

Ming Lai turned around. Her glare was like a poisonous snake as she barked fiercely, "Are you blind? Why would you think they're together?!"