The Granddaughter I’ve Always Been Thinking About

Gu Yuzhen brought Ming Qu to one of the most upscale hanging garden restaurants in Tong City for a meal. As soon as the two of them had entered, a person immediately led them to a designated private room.

It was the first time that the Ming Qu had come to such a place, so it was inevitable that she would be astounded.

Noticing that she was looking around like a curious baby, Gu Yuzhen could not help but smile.

When they had walked in, he drew open the floor-to-ceiling curtains with familiarity as if he owned the place, revealing a tranquil, turquoise lake.

Ming Qu's mouth gaped in surprise. She was enjoying the outdoor scenery when the cell phone in her bag rang.

Turning around, she found that the man behind her had his long arms outstretched, trapping her thin frame between them.

Ming Qu shot him a glance before ducking under his arms to go answer the phone.

Seeing that it was an unknown caller, she was puzzled, and hesitated for a moment before picking up.

She had not waited for the speaker to finish. She covered the phone, looking over at Gu Yuzhen with a serious expression. "We'll have dinner on another day. I still have something to do."

After saying that, she did not wait for him to agree before she grabbed her bag and ran away.

By the time Gu Yuzhen tried to chase after her, she was already gone.

"She escaped quite quickly."

Gu Yuzhen was disappointed as he returned to the dining room resentfully.

"Ah Jiang, do something about this."

He made a phone call, gave the order, and left the room.

Ming Qu rushed out and immediately hopped into a taxi. Her destination was Tong City's largest hospital.

"It's Miss Ming Qu, right? I am the director of Tong City's Central Hospital. I'm cordially inviting you to come and work in my hospital."

When she had received the notice, she had immediately decided to pay the director a visit.

She had wanted to see him ever since she returned. However, she had been dragged along into the affairs of the Ming family and had been unable to get away.

Now that he had called, she couldn't miss it.

"Are you that Ming girl?"

"Yes, Master Lu."

In the director's office, the old doctor, who already had white hair but was nonetheless still full of energy, pulled Ming Qu in and sat down.

In her youth, she had once seen him in the countryside.

At the time, he had appeared close with the old master. Back then, she was only a nine-year-old little girl who spent her days sitting by the edge of a field in a daze.

"After Old Ming passed, I lost contact with the Ming family. It wasn't until I received the email from you yesterday that I remembered the old man still had a granddaughter that he had always remembered."

The director's words caused the corners of Ming Qu's mouth to fall.

After a pause, her eyebrows lowered as she said sadly, "Master Lu, when my grandfather left, I wasn't by his side. I don't even know if he was in pain."

"It was very sudden."

The hospital director let out a long sigh as he looked out the window.

Their discussion only lasted briefly, but Ming Qu successfully joined the cardiology department, becoming the youngest doctor among her colleagues in Tongcheng Hospital.

On the day the news broke, the department received lots of congratulatory flowers.

Gu Yuzhen was not surprised to find out.

Back in France, he had experienced her medical skills first hand. However, he was not very happy about her popularity within the hospital. Ignoring the female doctors, he could not stand the male doctors that would be surrounding her.

One evening, as Ming Qu was leaving the hospital with a document in hand, she spotted Gu Yuzhen leaning against his car and smoking from afar.

She walked closer and looked up at him curiously.

"Mr. Gu, are you really not going back to France?"

The man took a deep puff of his cigarette before lowering his head to kiss her.

Ming Qu stepped back instinctively, frowning slightly.

She did not like the smell of smoke, especially when it was close to her.

Gu Yuzhen noticed this and put out his cigarette. He slowly blew out the remaining smoke as he stated matter of factly, "The branch office is here. I need to manage it myself."

Ming Qu stared at him for a while, wanting to laugh.

"Whatever you say."

When she had spoken, she was about to leave when he grabbed her by the wrist and put her into the car.

On the road, Gu Yuzhen drove personally. From time to time, he would turn his head to look at the person in the passenger seat, who did not say a word.