Your Heart is Mine, But You Offered Your Body To Others

"Are you really a man?" Su Ye asked bluntly.

Cheng Huan was left stumped by that question, and his expression quickly changed, his face turning red. "How can you make fun of me like that, junior governor? Don't you love me anymore?"

With that, he latched onto Su Ye's arm and cried shrilly, "You told me you like it when I do this, junior governor! You told me you didn't mind me serving other men, and that I'm most compatible with you! Did you forget?"

Su Ye, however, didn't fall for it and used a bit of her strength to push him away. Because of her superstrength, the original Su Ye had became overbearing as time passed, and naturally preferred obedient men.

Picking up her teacup, Su Ye took another sip to quell her surprise. Noticing Cheng Huan's look of utter grief, she cleared her throat awkwardly. "Do you remember the jade pendant I gave you?"

As someone who had worked at such a brothel for years, Cheng Huan naturally understood what Su Ye's words meant. His eyes widened in sheer disbelief. "You want it back, junior governor?"

Su Ye hesitated when she saw his expression. After all, it was a little inappropriate to demand someone return a gift. Switching gears, she said, "I can free you, but you would have to return that jade pendant."

At those words, Cheng Huan started sobbing and tried to latch himself to her again. However, the smell of rouge on him was too stifling, and Su Ye held him at a distance helplessly. "Shut up and don't come near me."

Cheng Huan paused then, tears streaming down as his cheeks, looking utterly pathetic as he burst out miserably, "Junior governor, you told me that you would free me, and that we would never be apart!"

Su Ye blinked, but replied calmly, "That was the alcohol speaking, it doesn't count now that I'm sober."

Cheng Huan's jaw dropped. He certainly did not expect Su Ye to say something so shameless. Even so, he was reluctant to accept the truth, and started to sob again. "You told me that I was your heart! How can anyone live without a heart?!"

Su Ye glanced at him and nonchalantly replied, "They have a change of heart."

At her words, Cheng Huan stumbled back and started to bawl. Covering his face, he wailed, "How could you toy with me, junior governor? How could you?! I gave you my heart!"

Beside them, Xiao Xing was looking at Cheng Huan sympathetically. The junior governor had always loved being irresponsible—sleeping with a person and promising them things before turning her back on them in the blink of an eye.

Su Ye lowered the teacup she was holding, then asked, "You gave me your heart, yet offered your body to others?"

Cheng Huan stiffened at those words, and sheepishly looked up, his airy red robe flapping as he moved.

At that point, Xiao Xing realized something as well—there was no telling how many people a gigolo actually served, and when they would really speak from the heart. This one was most likely another swindler trying to cheat the junior governor of her money.

Cheng Huan fell to his knees, unsure of what to do.

The old Su Ye would always fall for that—she was a little slow despite her superstrength, and just a few words were enough to win her over. Today, however, things were different.

Putting her teacup on a nearby table, Su Ye repeated calmly, "Do you want me to free you?"