Chapter 3 Submitted the Application

He Xingzhou confirmed that there was nothing unusual about him, but the students were still looking at him curiously.

It was dead silent until Zhou Xiaoqin, a female student sitting in the front row, asked curiously, "He Xingzhou, I heard that you want to build a nuclear reactor. Is that true?"

Everyone looked at him curiously. Most of them thought that this was just a joke!

He Xingzhou nodded calmly and said, "That's right. I plan to build a nuclear fission reactor."

He saw that everyone was looking at him strangely and quickly explained, "It's a miniature one, not some nuclear power plant or atomic bomb!"

"Oh my God, it's actually true! "Zhou Xiaoqin exclaimed, "You're so daring!"

"He Xingzhou, awesome! You actually want to build a nuclear reactor!" The students shouted in the back.

"Why would you want to build something like that? It's basically impossible!"

"Don't waste your time."

"I think this guy is just trying to attract attention. It's obvious. Even if you have toes for your brain you can see that this is what he wants. What ability does a student like him have to say that he wants to build a nuclear reactor? He might as well say that he's going design a Dongfeng Nuclear Warhead." Someone chimed in a low voice.

"I agree. It's simply impossible!"

"When you're done, let us see the results." Someone joked.

No one believed that He Xingzhou could do it! Most people were teasing He Xingzhou with joking intentions. 

He Xingzhou knew where they were coming from. In fact, before he got the Quantum Processor, he would also feel that this was too difficult.

However, the situation now was completely different. As long as his experimental application is approved, he was confident that he could do it!

With a calm expression, he replied to his classmates, "Thank you for your attention. If my application is approved, I will create a series of videos and post them on the Internet when I start building it. When the time comes, everyone can watch the process on the Internet."

He Xingzhou believed that if he wanted to get the attention of the country, he had to gain sufficient influence. Releasing the videos of the nuclear reactor was one of the steps that he had to take.

As long as there were many people paying attention, it would naturally be noticed by the higher-ups in the country. In addition, he could also warn the public in advance of the impending doomsday disaster!

"Okay, we will definitely watch it!" The students shouted. Some of them were smiling as they waited to see the joke.

He Xingzhou did not think much of it and sat down next to his roommates.

Wang Jiahao even apologized, "Old He, I'm sorry. We talked about you in the group chat yesterday. I didn't expect it to spread so quickly. Everyone knows about it now."

"As long as you say it, we'll immediately clarify it with everyone that this is just a joke."

He Xingzhou said, "It's alright. This is something that I'll be doing anyways. Even if you don't spread it now, they'll learn of it later."

His three roommates were even more confused. He Xingzhou was really planning to go all the way?

Now that so many people knew about it, if Ge Xingzhou didn't do it, wouldn't it be quite embarrassing? Moreover, this nuclear fission reactor really can't be built alone!

The students were still discussing when the professor walked in.

It was Professor Zhang Boyan, an old professor with half white hair who wore a washed-out white Mao suit.

Professor Zhang Boyan was one of the bigwigs in the field of atomic energy physics in the country. He had been nominated several times as a member of the National Academy of Sciences and was currently an alternate member. The National Nuclear Physics Laboratory in the school was under his management.

"Now, let's begin the lecture." when Zhang Boyan arrived, the classroom immediately quieted down.

The long lecture lasted the entire morning. When it was time to end the class, Zhang Boyan took a sip of water and said, "Let's leave it here for today."

The students started dispersed. He Xingzhou quickly caught up with Zhang Boyan who was about to leave and handed him a document. "Professor Zhang, I have an experiment application that I would like you to look over."

He was holding a document in his hand. It was the 'Miniature Nuclear Fission Reactor Application' that he had written last night.

Zhang Boyan had always been tolerant towards his students and was happy to impart knowledge. He took the document and tucked it under his arm. He said, "Okay, I'll take a look at it later."

"Thank you, professor," He Xingzhou thanked him.


Zhang Boyan first went back to the Teaching and Research office. Many University professors went straight home after class, but Zhang Boyan liked to go to the office to chat with other professors, or go for leisure activities such as fishing or mountaineering.

When he arrived at the teaching and research office. There were two professors from the physics department, Dong Chen and Cai Hao. They were similar in age to Zhang Boyan and were also big shots in the physics field. Dong Chen was also the Dean of the physics department!

"Old Zhang, is class over? I was waiting for you. Let's go to the cafeteria to eat!" Dong Chen called out. "There's a new Huaiyang cuisine chef in the cafeteria. His cooking is superb. I've already got us a table."

"Okay, I'll be right there." Zhang Boyan went to his desk to set down the textbooks and documents in his hands.

When he put them down, he glanced at the report that He Xingzhou had submitted. The few bold words on it immediately attracted his attention.

'Miniature Nuclear Fission Reactor Application'? Zhang Boyan had been teaching for so many years, but this was the first time a student had submitted such an application to him. He couldn't help but read it out loud.

"This student is interesting. He actually submitted an application for a miniature nuclear reactor experiment to me! Does he want to build a nuclear reactor?" Zhang Boyan laughed.

"What? A student submitted an application to you and he wants to build a nuclear reactor?" Dong Chen and Cai Hao were also stunned when they heard his words.

"Exactly!" Zhang Boyan showed the title of the document to them.

"Which audacious student is this?" Dong Chen immediately said, "He actually wants to build a nuclear reactor by himself!"

Cai Hao laughed and said, "Haha, he's really bold I'll give him that. But I'm also interested. What did he write?"

"I'm also a little interested!" Zhang Boyan said, "How about I read it before we go eat? It shouldn't take more than a few minutes."

"Okay, let's read it first. I want to read it too." Cai Hao said.

Obviously, they all thought that this document was just a spur-of-the-moment work of the students and wouldn't have much value.

Zhang Boyan opened the document and started to read it.

In this report, He Xingzhou wrote in detail what kind of miniature nuclear reactor he was going to make, and made a perfect design and steps in achieving a nuclear fissure including the usage of the active zone, neutron reflector, control and regulation system, cooling system, protective layer, etc.

He also submitted a complete experimental plan, experimental treatment measures, and so on.

At first, Zhang Boyan was just a little curious, but as he read, he realized that something was wrong.

This was definitely not some sort of spur-of-the-moment joke by a student! This was a paper that described a perfectly designed nuclear reactor written with rigorous structure and filled with application theories.

Although the document only described a miniature nuclear fission reactor, based on Zhang Boyan's knowledge, if this reactor was made in a larger scale, it wouldn't be far-fetched to call it a nuclear power plant.

When he realized this, Zhang Boyan could not help but exclaim, "Is this really an experimental report designed by a student?"