Chapter 4 Ready for Construction

"Even a professional nuclear physicist might not be able to design such a proposal as perfectly and eloquently as he did!" Cai Hao also exclaimed.

"Is this really written by a student? "Dong Chen asked.

"Yes!" Zhang Boyan's expression became serious. "It was handed to me today by one of my students!"

"I thought this was just an ordinary assignment, but I didn't expect that... This student is really amazing!" He exclaimed.

"According to his experimental design, if his conditions are really met, he might really be able to build this miniature nuclear fission reactor!" Cao Hai followed.

At this point, the three professors couldn't remain calm anymore. To let a student build a nuclear reactor, even if it was a miniature one, no matter how they thought about it, they felt that it was too dangerous!

"Old Zhang, we need to discuss the issue at hand seriously!" At this time, the three of them were no longer in the mood to eat. He Xingzhou's application made the three of them realize that their school had birthed a genius.

Dong Chen took the lead, "The idea is fine, but after all, it is a nuclear test. It is too dangerous for a student to do it."

Zhang Boyan didn't think much of it and replied, "You can't say that. Isn't this stifling his passion for scientific exploration?"

"For example, in the United States, some universities have students making miniature nuclear reactors! American schools can allow and support students to explore science, so why can't we?"

Cai Hao nodded and added, "Old Zhang is right. From the application report, we can see that this student has put in a lot of effort to design this experiment."

"He has definitely spent at least a few years researching nuclear physics, and has learned it very well!"

"If nothing goes wrong, such a student will certainly become a pillar of our country! Our University has always been cultivating talents for the country, and now, a good seedling has appeared. If we don't support him, are you saying that we should stifle his passion for scientific exploration?"

Dong Chen thought for a moment and said, "Well, that makes sense. It's just that we can't make the decision on this matter alone. His experiment will definitely require the nuclear physics laboratory and professional personnel to ensure its safety."

"How about this? I'll talk to the principal. If the principal agrees, then we'll approve his application for the experiment and pass it to the National Nuclear Safety Administration for approval."

"Okay!" Zhang Boyan agreed. "Then I'll go find him and talk to him again to see if he's truly talented!"

Zhang Boyan wanted to make sure that there was no mistake in such an important matter.

"It's settled then!"

He Xingzhou did not expect that his application had caused the dean and two professors of the physics department to forego a delicious meal. They hurriedly filled their stomachs and began to look into him.

Zhang Boyan deliberately asked for He Xingzhou to go his office to discuss the materials with him.

After a few questions and answers, Zhang Boyan had confirmed that this experimental application material was indeed written by He Xingzhou himself.

He said with relief, "It's rare that you have such a deep understanding of nuclear physics. Regardless of whether the experiment can be approved or not, I hope that you can continue to study hard."

"You're in your third year this year, right? I hope that you can continue to study. When you're get into graduate school, I'll be your professor. I'll take care of you!"

"Thank you, Professor Zhang. I'll continue to work hard," He Xingzhou replied with gratitude. It was very rare to become Zhang Boyan's graduate student or doctoral student. Even if others tried, they won't be able to get this position.

"I still hope that the experiment can go smoothly." He Xingzhou said. He was still counting on the nuclear reactor to showcase the problem of the Zerg's mutation and alert the world!


In the President's office, the President of the Beijing University of Science and Technology, Liu Yuan, was discussing this matter with the dean of the physics department, Dong Chen.

Dong Chen said, "I talked to the professors, and they agreed that we should support this student. Whether his experiment is successful or not, it can also reflect the purpose of our University of Science and Technology, which is to cultivate scientific and technological talents for the country!"

Liu Yuan was puzzled. "Are you so sure that his experiment can continue?"

Dong Chen said, "A few physics professors have seen it and confirmed that there's no problem."

Liu Yuan thought for a moment and asked, "What about the safety of the experimental materials?"

"This is a miniature nuclear fission reactor. It doesn't need to produce a continuous nuclear energy reaction. Therefore, his experiment has a way to solve the problem of nuclear materials. It doesn't cost much money. As for safety, Professor Zhang Boyan is willing to work with him on his experiment to ensure the safety of the experiment."

"In theory, this miniature nuclear reactor will not pose any threat to the school. Moreover, the experiment will be conducted in the nuclear physics laboratory, so there's no need to worry."

After he finished speaking, Liu Yuan replied, "If that's the case, then let's approve it. I hope this student won't disappoint us."

"I hope so too" Dong Chen said.


He Xingzhou's experiment application had been approved. It had the seal of the school and the nuclear safety bureau on it. In his laboratory, there would be specialized security personnel coming over to check and ensure the safety of the experiment.

After hearing the news, He Xingzhou heaved a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, his roommates were going crazy.

In the dormitory, his roommates were shouting.

"This is ridiculous!" Wang Jiahao looked at the approval document and shouted, "The nuclear experiment has been approved. I don't even know what to say!"

Zhang Yang: "I have a feeling that I might be witnessing a rising star in the physics world!"

Feng Tao said, "Whether this experiment succeeds or not, He Xingzhou is already famous!"

He Xingzhou said calmly, "Let's wait until the experiment is successful. It's still quite difficult to build a nuclear reactor."

"What do you mean it's difficult?" Wang Jiahao shouted, "It's clearly hell-level difficulty!"

"Logically speaking, in your experiment, it's fine if you need to build the reactor's device, but why don't you have nuclear materials? I can't think of anything. Can you still get nuclear materials?"

"This thing is a strategic material. International trading is prohibited," Zhang Yang continued, he said, "Old he, I suddenly realized that this experiment of yours is impossible to carry out! You don't even have nuclear materials. How are you going to build a nuclear reactor? Do you want to make a Model?"

"What's the point of a Model?" Feng Tao asked.

"It's not a model," He Xingzhou emphasized. "I can handle the nuclear materials myself. Didn't the school approve a sum of money? Although it's only tens of thousands, it's enough."

The three of them were speechless. "A few tens of thousands of dollars to buy nuclear materials? Are you kidding us?!"

Wang Jiahao asked, "Then where do you plan to buy nuclear materials?"

He Xingzhou said, "Go online, Taobao, Pinduoduo. I can even try to get a salted fish. If that doesn't work, I can still go to the waste recycling station."

"Why don't you just go online and buy an atomic bomb!" Everyone was speechless. How could they buy these things online? Is this a joke?