Chapter 11 This must be reported to the country!

Time passed very quickly, and Black Snapper No. 2 also mutated very quickly.

After ensuring that it had sufficient food, its appearance changed almost every day.

After three days, black snapper No. 2's dorsal fin had fallen off and was replaced by sharp bone spikes, looking particularly frightening!

The experimental pool had already been covered by an iron cage, and it was even specially locked up with chains!

Even so, Black Snapper No. 2 was becoming more and more irritable, and it would often crash into the iron cage.

By the time it was almost a week old, Black Snapper No. 2 was already beyond recognition!

The scales on its body were still there, but something like claws and legs had grown out of its belly.

Even if the pool water was drained, it could still breathe normally, and it had become an amphibious creature like a frog! And it could even make strange noises! It sounded very scary!

During this week, He Xingzhou had specially discussed with Wu Rui that other than Jiang Chan, no other members of the team would be allowed to observe this mutated creature.

Even so, there were still some rumors coming from the biology laboratory building.

"Did you hear? The biology laboratory building is haunted!" Some students were discussing on the school forum.

"There's a ghostly scream at night!"

"I heard it too. I passed by the bio-experimental building last night. It scared me to death!"

"It's like there's a ghost eating people!"

Some students disagreed and criticized, "What era is this? Are they still superstitious? I guess some students are watching a ghost movie or something."

"That's not right. A lot of people heard it. It didn't exist before!"

The discussion about the abnormal sound of the bio-experimental building became a hot topic in the forum. Someone even said, "Someone is conducting bio-chemical experiments in the bio-experimental building!"

"I have a friend who works in some mutant biology research group. I heard that He Xingzhou raised a mutant creature in their research group's laboratory. They are not allowed to see it now!"

"Really? That can't be. Doesn't He Xingzhou study physics? He even made a nuclear reactor live broadcast before?"

"What my friend said is absolutely true!"

The rumors grew more and more ridiculous. Soon, it became something like He Xingzhou raising zombies in the biology lab building.

"It's too scary!" In the lab, Wu Rui and Jiang Chan looked at the monster in front of them with fear.

In the cage in front of them, Black Snapper No. 2 was crawling with its immature claws.

Its body length was already 0.7 meters. It was like a wild beast, baring its teeth at them.

Fortunately, its vocal organs were not fully developed, so it could not roar loudly. Otherwise, it would have been noticed by others!

He Xingzhou was also shocked by this monster. Who would have thought that the monster in front of him was just a palm-sized mutated fish not long ago?

"Senior, we can't go on like this!" Jiang Chan said, "This is already beyond our control!"

Wu Rui also nodded and said, "Yes, we have to report this to the school! Now, there are rumors in the school that we are conducting biochemical experiments!"

"Not just to report to the school!" He Xingzhou had completely believed the prediction of the quantum computer. According to the Zerg genetic evolution model that he had built, in the next few decades, these alien creatures would rule the world, whether fast or slow!

"I am reporting to the country!" He Xingzhou's tone was firm. "This is an unprecedented global disaster. If we do not prepare in advance and gather the strength of the whole country to build a defensive measure, humanity will definitely be destroyed!"

"The human race will be destroyed?" The two of them had yet to come to a realization. In their eyes, although this mutated monster was terrifying, it did not rise to the level of a global crisis!

"Senior, will it really be like that?" Jiang Chan's face turned pale.

"Definitely!" He Xingzhou said, "This week, I have already completed my mutated creature evolution model. I believe that using this monster as evidence, along with my research report, will definitely attract the attention of the higher-ups!"

"The two of you, don't say anything to the public right now. I'll report this matter!"

At this time, Wu Rui did not know what to do. He could only nod and say, "We'll listen to you!"

He Xingzhou immediately went to look for Zhang Boyan. Although Zhang Boyan was a professor in the physics department, he was a big shot in the academic world, and he knew many academicians of the National Academy of Sciences.

This kind of thing was not something that ordinary people could understand. Only through Zhang Boyan could he convey this matter to a higher level!

He Xingzhou sent a message and found that Zhang Boyan was in the teaching and research office. He immediately went there.

In the teaching and research office, Zhang Boyan was discussing academic issues with Dong Chen when he Xingzhou knocked on the door and came in.

"He Xingzhou, you came just in Time!" Zhang Boyan said with a smile, "I have good news for you today."

"What is it?" He Xingzhou asked, puzzled.

Zhang Boyan said, "After the school's approval, you have been approved to be a graduate student of our school. You Don't need to pass the postgraduate exam to become my master's student!"

He Xingzhou's previous nuclear reactor experiment had caused a certain amount of reaction in society. Moreover, the completion rate of the experiment was very high, and it was praised by the school.

"Thank you, teacher! Thank you, Dean!" He Xingzhou hurriedly thanked them.

Dong Chen also smiled and said, "You can't be too proud. You still have a lot to learn."

"Yes, I understand," He Xingzhou said.

"By the way, didn't you say that you have something to report on the phone?" Zhang Boyan asked.

He Xingzhou looked around and said seriously, "Dean, teacher, I do have something very important to report!"

"This matter is related to national security!"

"Related to national security?" Hearing He Xingzhou's words, the two of them frowned at the same time.

Dong Chen was even more surprised. "What kind of thing can rise to such a height?"

Zhang Boyan was even more worried. "Don't tell me you've built a larger-scale nuclear reactor yourself? You can't just make something like this so casually!"

If it were any other student, he would definitely not be worried about this problem. Even if they were given the materials, they would not be able to make it. However, He Xingzhou was different! He could really do it!

"No, it's something else!" He Xingzhou said. "Teachers, you can watch this video first."

As he said that, he showed them the video of Black Snapper No. 2 that was recorded by his phone.

They saw a monster that looked like a fish in a cage. A live chicken was thrown into the cage, and in less than three seconds, it was eaten alive!

"What is this?" Dong Chen frowned. "Is this a horror movie? He Xingzhou, what are you trying to say?"

Zhang Boyan also said, "He Xingzhou, explain your behavior!"

He Xingzhou said, "Teachers, I have no intention of teasing you. This is not a movie either! It is a real scene."

"The monster you see is the mutated black snapper that I used to experiment on when I was making a miniature nuclear fission reactor a few weeks ago!"

"It is one of them!"

"What did you say?" The two professors shouted at the same time, disbelief written all over their faces!