The Search Continues

Zong Shen had a smile on his face.

To Favis, who had just survived a calamity, Zong Shen was like a savior who was exuding an extraordinary aura.

"The Lord whom you have been loyal to has died under the fangs of the mutated ghoul."

"My soldiers and I were a step too late."

"However, after a tough battle, we still managed to kill this rotten fellow and avenged your pitiful Lord."

"Now, are you willing to follow the will of the deceased and pledge your loyalty to me?"

Zong Shen went straight to the point.

Hearing this, Favis slowly stood up where the Wolf Cavalry soldiers had surrounded him.

He looked at the corpse of his unlucky Lord with a depressed look.

Instead of answering Zong Shen directly, he slowly walked to the side of the corpse.

He raised his head and bowed at Zong Shen.

"Honorable Lord, thank you for saving my life."