Sutured Monster Bato

[Thorny Round Shield (Green)]

[Quality: Superior]

[Shield Defense: 85]

[Chance of Blocking: 30%]

[Durability: 200]

[Skill: Thorn Damage Level 3 (When attacked, deal 5% of the damage to the attacker.)]

It was indeed a green-grade equipment. It even had a Level 3 counterattack-type skill. Although the effect was not as good as the Elite Undead's Thorn Counter-Armour, it complemented the shield perfectly.

It could strengthen the momentum of his counterattack after defending.

Zong Shen kept the [Dented Kite Shield] into the storage compartment. After all, it was an equipment that accompanied him in his journey. He planned to bring them all back to the territory as a memento.

Following that, he grabbed the [Thorny Round Shield] happily. The thick vine handle gave him a sense of security.