A fight against the Unkindness.

The blonde girl closed her eyes and did a silent prayer for the professor named Trex. Meanwhile, I was trying to control the darkness oozing out of me. Despite trying hard, I couldn't fully control it. The eerie feeling along with sadness was growing stronger and stronger inside me.

"Are you going to be okay?" Momo asked.

"Y-Yeah", I answered.

(Don't bluff, Mikage. I'm barely controlling your mana and preventing you from getting consumed by it. You need to rest), Anya told me.

(Do you think I can rest right now? The Unkindness must be heading towards me and I have to protect these two.)

"So? What's your plan now?" Momo asked.

"I'm sure your artifact messed up the teleportation. So where exactly are we?"

"That's the problem. I don't know. Normally, I would set a location where I would be teleported in case I'll be a victim of forced teleportation. But I didn't prepare anything this time since I didn't expect this to happen."

"So we were randomly teleported?"

"That's what I think. The default setting of my artifact is that if I'm not going to be teleported to a set place that I prepared beforehand, then I would be teleported a few kilometers away in a random direction from the destination of the teleportation."

"So we have no idea where we are? This is fun. I sort of relied on you."

"I know. I hate how you used the fact that I have a rare artifact that can mess up teleportation spells. But I would've done the same thing if I was in your shoes."

The blonde girl finished her prayer and walked towards us. Even if that professor threatened her, the girl still cared for him. That realization made me wonder how deep was the Unkindness. The bandaged man said that they had eyes and ears everywhere.

"What is our plan, mister administrative officer?" she asked.

"Just call me, Mikage. We're close in age", I told her.

"Alright. Then feel free to call me Haato."

"As for the plan, we should get out of here as soon as we can."

"That's great. Very specific and will definitely solve our situation."

"Well. I'm sure the Unkindness is coming here at full speed so we gotta scram. Where exactly are we?"

A pair of wings appeared behind Momo and she flew up. After a few minutes, she returned to our spot.

"I saw the Moryo Mountains in the distance. Judging from the position of the sun and the direction of the mountains, we must be west of Westa", she said.

"You have wings, Momo?" Haato asked.

"Y-Yeah. It's an artifact. Please keep it a secret."

"No problem! It's like Spade Echo's artifact, right?"

"T-That's right. I just happened to have a similar artifact."

And so, we traveled east in order to reach Westa. It didn't take long until we saw our first problem.

A green humanoid creature was standing in front of us. It was an ogre and was holding a club.

"Momo. Protect Haato", I told her and she nodded.

I charged at the monster and on instinct, I willed my shadow to turn into a spike. However, my shadow went out of control and turned into multiple large spikes and skewered the ogre.

(You idiot! The Primordial Dark is agitated inside you! Why did you even think of using Dark Magic?!!) Anya scolded me.

(Sorry. Bad habit.)

More darkness oozed out of my body and the eerie feeling became stronger.

"Are you okay? The Primordial Dark inside you is going wild. Shouldn't you calm down first?" Haato asked.

"There's no time for me to calm down. We have to get out of here or else, we'll-"

I couldn't finish my sentence as several magic circles appeared around us. An even stronger eerie feeling entered my mind and I gritted my teeth.

Men in robes appeared from the magic circles. There were around 15 of them. Also, a larger magic circle appeared and a man wrapped in bandages stepped out of it. I could feel a strong energy inside that bandaged man.

"It seems that our experiment worked nicely", he said.

This was very bad. I wasn't allowed to use Dark Magic so I couldn't beat these men on my own.

"If you surrender yourself, I promise I will let those two girls go", he said.

"Wanna know my answer for that?" I asked.

I pointed my kris sword at him and grinned.

"Synchronicity Release!"

I couldn't beat these men on my own so I had to rely on the previous masters' strength.

"Then you are a big fool", the man snapped his fingers and the robed men shot balls of darkness at me.

I managed to avoid the balls in time and swiftly dashed to one man. I punched him in the face and threw him to another robed opponent. After that, I went ahead and rampaged around the battlefield as I swung my sword and fist around wildly.

(Not too shabby in our first connection!) A semi-transparent brown-haired beastman grinned beside me.

(You're the best fit for this situation, Leo.)

(You got that right! Now let Leo Dickinson's Wild Sword Style do its magic!)

Yoclesh's Oni Rush was good for overpowering a single opponent with swift and precise strikes. Merryweather's Royal Dual Wielding was good against multiple opponents. However, I couldn't use Dark Magic to create another sword so I had to use Leo's Wild Sword Style.

Wild Sword Style used the entire body instead of just relying on the sword. I had to do kicks, punches, and even headbutts in addition to my sword swings. It was unpredictable and so it earned that name. The sword style was good for fighting when you didn't have to worry about watching your back. Momo was protecting Haato so there was no need to worry.

After killing three men, I glared at the remaining twelve. They stepped back and were clearly intimidated by what I did. If they thought that they could beat by forcing me to not use Dark Magic, they were completely wrong.

"I see. So you are the master of the Sword of Records. This is interesting. But I believe it is time for us to be serious", he snapped his fingers and each of the men took out a crystal.

The crystals glowed and I couldn't move my body. Power was coursing through my veins as an eerie feeling entered my mind. It was strong enough to make me stop resonating with the previous masters and get out of Synchronicity.

Darkness was coming out of my body and I could feel myself getting hot.

(M-Mikage! I'm barely controlling you... Focus and don't let the power take over your mind!) Anya shouted.

"I'M TRYING.. AAAAAHHHH!!!" I screamed in pain.

The more I resisted the power, the more pain I felt. My body felt like it was burning, my bones felt like it was melting, my mind felt like it was splitting in half, and my heart felt like it was being crushed. But I had to endure it. I couldn't risk losing control again.

"This is hopeless. I guess I have no choice but to help you out", Haato stepped forward.

"What are you doing, Haato? It's dangerous!" Momo shouted.

"You clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Momo. I AM the danger!"

The bandaged man looked at her as she walked in front of me.

"And who might you be?" he asked.

"Hello there. My name is Haato Akai, a regular student of Westa West High School", she said.

Haato raised her arm and snapped her fingers.

(HAACHAMACHAMA!!! HAACHAMA! HAACHAMA! HAACHAMACHAMA!!) Those loud words echoed in my mind.

The crystals stopped glowing as things became strange. Some of the men were laughing uncontrollably while others were screaming. There were around three of them who started crying and two of them collapsed to the ground while their mouths frothed.

"I'm also the Primordial Insanity's vessel", she smiled.