Insanity, Darkness, Muscles, and ????


Those annoying words continued ringing inside my mind. From how Momo had an uncomfortable look on her face, she was also hearing those words. But I'd rather hear those words repeat endlessly in my mind than be subjected to the pain I felt earlier.

Darkness was still oozing out of my body but I didn't feel much pain anymore. Haato managed to defeat all of the robed men with just a snap of her finger. If I heard her correctly, she said she was the vessel of the Primordial Insanity.

"Now then... Do you mind telling me why you want the Primordial Dark?" Haato asked.

"Our goals are beyond your understanding", the bandaged man answered.

"Oh really? I talk to the Primordial Insanity regularly. If I can understand the unpredictable and chaotic mind of the Primordial Being that controls the aspect of insanity, then a mere human's goals are not a challenge."

"This is none of your business. We only want the Primordial Dark."

"None of my business? YOUR GROUP kidnapped me. YOUR GROUP threatened to take my life TWICE. Only an insane person would think that it's none of their business once those things happen to them."

"And what are you going to do? Will you unleash your wrath upon us? Is that something a vessel of a Primordial Being should be doing?"

"That's true. I should only act in self-defense and should only fight if there was someone foolish enough to challenge a person who is a vessel of a Primordial Being."

The robed men screamed and began scratching their faces. They continued scratching and scratching until their faces began to bleed. Some of the men collapsed to the ground with their mouths frothing while the others either laughed or screamed as they inflicted injuries on themselves.

"But I'm the Primordial Insanity's vessel. Do you think I'll be logical enough to follow made-up rules that have no consequences if they were broken?" she grinned.

"I do not wish to fight with a vessel but you do not wish to back away peacefully."

"Heh. Classic villains. You had no problems kidnapping and threatening to take my life. But when you find out I am powerful enough to end your life, you start talking about peace."

"I am merely trying to negotiate a way for us to leave this place without any inconveniences. Do not underestimate me."

Several dark orbs hovered around the man and Haato was nonchalantly standing.

"You pride yourself as a mage and gather knowledge about the world. Let's see how well you'll do once you lose your precious mind", she snapped her fingers.

However, nothing happened. Haato was confused and snapped her fingers again.

"Is something wrong, vessel of the Primordial Insanity? I hope you will learn your lesson in the next life!" the man shot the dark orbs at her.

Haato managed to dodge out of the way. She snapped her fingers again and nothing happened. Several abominations appeared beside her and they charged at the bandaged man. The man didn't move a muscle as one of the abominations tried to slam him with its large hands.

"A mere illusion won't harm me", the man scoffed and the abomination harmlessly passed through him.

"What's going on? Your mind should be consumed by insanity unless..." Haato's eyes widened in surprise.

"It seems you now know the situation", the man made more orbs float near him.

"You're not a regular human. You don't have a mind. You're not even a living thing!" Haato shouted.

"That is correct. My name is Julius, one of the 13 Living Darkness of the Unkindness."

"Living Darkness?"

"In exchange for immortality and mastery over Dark Magic, we traded our bodies and souls to become darkness. We have walked over four millennia in this world and watched civilizations rise and fall. The Unkindness is everywhere and our ambitions shall be achieved."

"You sure are blabbing a lot for a secret organization."

"You will die here so I do not care if you know something about us. We are the Unkindness. A mere vessel like you cannot defeat us."

A strong gust of wind hit the bandaged man and blew him away. Something landed in front of Haato and when the dust cleared, a silver-haired woman was standing on a crater.

"Then how about a captain?" Captain Noel asked.

I noticed that there was a red-haired girl hanging on her back. Wait... What was Yogiri doing here?

"Mikage! Are you okay?" she asked.

"Y-Yeah. Body feels sluggish but I'm managing", I answered.

Balls of darkness shot towards us and Captain Noel grabbed Yogiri, Haato, and me and dashed out of the way.

"A captain..." the bandaged man said.

"You have some nerve attacking a school when the 13th unit was there. And how dare you try to take our administrative officer! Do you think I'll gladly give up the guy who reads all of those boring reports?!" Captain Noel cracked her knuckles.

Seriously? That's what I was to her?

I noticed that Captain Noel wasn't wearing her armor so that meant that she was using all of her strength.

The bandaged man shot more balls of darkness and Captain Noel avoided them. She ran so fast she looked like she was teleporting. After hitting the bandaged man, she managed to run faster than him and landed another punch before he crashed to the ground and made him fly across the field.

He bounced off the ground like a ball but Captain Noel wasn't done beating him up. She continued throwing one powerful punch after another when she pinned him on the ground and after a few minutes, she caught her breath.

"Your physical strength is amazing. But it is not enough to defeat me", the bandaged man said.

Darkness came out of him and knocked Captain Noel away.

"What's up with this guy? His bones should be crushed already but he's still moving around!" she asked.

"That man is not a living creature! He doesn't have a physical body that can be destroyed!" Haato shouted.

"Then what can we do?"

"I don't know! Even Haachama has no idea how to deal with him!"

They were living darkness? If I was the Primordial Dark's vessel, does that mean I could command them?

I closed my eyes and focused on that man. His body was completely made up of darkness and I could probably control it. It was the same as forcefully taking control of Shadow Companions, right?

Even if I asserted my will over him, nothing happened.

"Foolish one. You cannot control me! I am superior to you!" he took out a crystal and it began glowing.

My body began heating up once more as darkness oozed out of my body.

"You bastard!" Captain Noel leaped towards him but several Shadow Companions appeared and blocked her path.

"I will win if I can get the administrative officer!"

The man charged towards me. I couldn't move my body because I was trying hard to control myself. If that man and that crystal gets any nearer, I would have a tough time.

"It is all over now!" the man was near enough and I couldn't move out of the way.

Then, a huge blast of white light hit him. He howled in pain as darkness oozed out of his body. The light intensified and forced me to close my eyes.

When I opened them again, the light was gone and on the ground was a pile of robes and bandages. The Shadow Companions also disappeared. I looked at the direction where the light came from and saw Yogiri with her outstretched arm.

"Umm... What just happened?" Yogiri asked.