Origin Martial Technique [1]

Felicity refrained from arguing with Lucas, acknowledging his knowledge and sense of responsibility. She silently gazed at him, her expression filled with contemplation, struggling to comprehend his decisions.

However, unbeknownst to Felicity, she was subtly influenced by Lucas's personality. The once trusting and carefree demeanor she possessed before being betrayed had transformed into one marked by fierceness, doubt, and heightened sensitivity.

While on the way to another shop, Felicity voiced her concerns to Lucas. "You don't suspect her of something?"

"I suspect her. And it clearly proves that she is a mysterious individual," Lucas responded.

"Then why did you accept her offer?" Felicity inquired, genuinely curious about Lucas's thought process.

Lucas smirked, attempting to reassure her. "Because of the three robes. The knowledge I can acquire there is crucial."

"But I can teach you. I know things too!"

"You are not from this realm. Do you think all of your knowledge can be applied here?" Lucas questioned, adopting a skeptical tone akin to a father questioning his daughter's actions.

Felicity's head lowered in realization, acknowledging the loophole in her idea. While she possessed different knowledge, it couldn't be assumed that all of it was applicable in this realm. The disparity in Qi between the Mortal Realm and Celestial Heaven served as a tangible reminder.

This realization extended to the need for money to purchase techniques. Practicing various cultivation techniques herself, Felicity was unaware of other methods beneficial to Lucas.

The decision to visit Morning Sun City also stemmed from this idea, initially rooted in her subconscious.

Felicity sighed in defeat. She recognized that she couldn't effectively argue with Lucas. His maturity and wisdom surpassed her own, leading her to question her decision to assist him in ascending.

Eventually, they arrived at a shop to procure resources and techniques for Lucas's cultivation.

"Golden Pavilion?" Lucas muttered, raising his eyebrows.

Without hesitation, Lucas entered the building.

"Welcome, esteemed customer, to the Golden Pavilion," greeted a staff member.

Lucas, intrigued, questioned the similarity in names between this shop and Saber City's Golden Pavilion.

"Why does this shop have the same name as Saber City's Golden Pavilion?" he inquired.

"It is because Golden Pavilion has different branches," the staff explained with a slight bow.

"I see..." Lucas acknowledged and continued into the building.

The setting resembled Saber City, albeit with a slightly wider space and higher ceilings.

"Is this shop familiar to you, Lucas?" Felicity inquired, currently in her disguised appearance to avoid drawing attention.

Lucas, casting a sidelong glance at her, nodded. "Yes, this is familiar to me. I visited another branch of this shop, where I bought my cultivation technique."

Felicity awaited his answer with anticipation. "Is your cultivation technique somewhat special or high-grade?"

"Nope," he promptly replied. "It was just an advanced basic cultivation technique. What was it?... Spiritual Gathering Technique?"

Felicity was taken aback. How did such a plain technique contribute to his rapid cultivation? Did he possess a unique or special cultivation technique, or did it result from something inherent in his body? She assumed it was the latter, perhaps a unique ability or special cultivation technique.

Different cultivation techniques could enhance a cultivator's aptitude, while some could uncover special abilities within the cultivator's body.

"If it wasn't the case, do you have a Blessed Constitutional Body?" she questioned.

"What's that?" Lucas asked, his eyes reflecting curiosity.

"It's an innate ability that people are born with, like Abnormal Strong Mentality, making a person resistant to illusions or mental attacks," Felicity explained.

This revelation illuminated another aspect of the differences between magic and cultivation for Lucas. Some concepts were still aligned.

"So, having a blessed passive ability is a constitutional body here," he mused, his right hand under his jaw.

"You can say that I have one," Lucas replied with a mysterious smile.

They then proceeded to the martial technique section, where Lucas sought a "bland" martial art—an average type of technique that wouldn't attract much attention.

Approaching a female staff member, Lucas inquired, "Is there an average technique here? I'm looking for something generic, like a type of martial technique," leaving the staff perplexed.

She scrutinized Lucas from head to toe and then offered a friendly smile. "There is, young sir, but it is not recommended for you. I believe it's better for you to learn a martial technique, either Earth-grade or Heaven-grade. Ideally, Celestial-grade," she cheerfully suggested.

Felicity observed the interaction with hidden disdain.

'Is she trying to impress him with her suggestions? What a...!' Felicity unconsciously cursed, catching herself mid-thought.

Meanwhile, Lucas smiled awkwardly. "Well, it might be good, but I am looking for something flexible. My companion here only knows the best type of technique, but I think it wouldn't be suitable for me since I don't cultivate unique techniques."

Surprised by the unexpected sincerity, the staff widened her eyes. "Is it true? Then... I will recommend you something average but still special. If you are practicing an average cultivation technique, then you must have pure talent," she said, leading them to a particular shelf and handing Lucas a book with thin pages.

"What's this?" Lucas instinctively asked, then, after reading the description, his eyes widened in surprise.

"This is..."

"Hm...?" Felicity took an interest in what Lucas was holding.

"That is an average bare-hands martial technique. It is said to be so bland that no one can even use what the description claims, and it's deemed as fake. It's still in the shop since the master of the shop wants to keep it."

Felicity, however, reacted differently. She unconsciously grabbed the technique from Lucas, her face shocked and hands trembling.

"How could this technique exist in the lower heaven?" she mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Lucas inquired.

Felicity, with flickering eyes, looked at him and urged, "Buy this. This is only a bland technique, but it is powerful enough to be flexible for any weapon practitioner!"

"Is that special? Why do you know it?" Lucas asked.

"It's because this is an origin martial technique! Buy this, and I will explain it to you!" she hissed while holding her excitement.

"Okay. Okay, I get it," he said before turning back to the staff.

"Thank you. I will buy this." They left the area.

The staff sighed, thinking, 'Although he is already taken, I hope I can get a chance to talk to him. He is so friendly! Unlike those arrogant young masters.'