Origin Martial Technique [2]

A few minutes prior.

"I'll reach out to you once I have the endorsement schedule. And take this," Ruby declared, handing over a medallion, marking the third addition to Lucas's growing collection.

'Medallion collector in the making,' he joked silently, accepting the emblem.

"What's this for?" Lucas inquired.

"It's an embedded communication medallion. Besides granting access to restricted shops in Morning City, it serves as a means for me to contact you," she explained.

Lucas grasped the concept and nodded.

"Thank you. So, I'll be on my way. Also, thanks for the robes. They add a touch of decency," he remarked.

Ruby chuckled softly, seemingly amused by the situation.

"You're quite considerate, young boy~."

"Please, just stop. I let you call me that earlier, thinking you were a 'he.' Now it feels odd with that alluring appearance," he retorted.

"Apologies...~ I understand. I'll change it, young bo-! Lucas! Hehe," she replied, feigning a scratch on her temple.

"Alright then. It's fine. I won't downplay your generosity since you claim to have given these to us," Lucas acknowledged, referring to their new garments.

Lucas wore a light blue robe with white linings, while Felicity sported a slightly pink robe with black trimmings.

After a brief moment, Lucas decided to leave the shop. He glanced at Ruby once more and bid his farewell.

"Thank you, Ruby, for the chance to learn something new," he expressed, leaving Ruby with a quizzical expression.

"What do you mean?" she inquired, intrigued.

"Nothing. Forget it. We'll be on our way," he stated, with Felicity following him out of the shop.

"Alright," Ruby nodded before their last step outside revealed the shop transformed into an empty building, surprising both Lucas and Felicity.

Felicity quivered her lips, eyebrows twitching in confusion as she struggled to find the right words. What had just occurred? It seemed like something not easily achievable in Mortal Heaven. Or was it merely her lack of expectation?

Nonetheless, Lucas regained his composure and proceeded to distance himself from the building.

"Even though these occurrences are routine for me, I found myself taken aback. Mystical arts are generally considered an accomplishment for cultivators," he muttered, having visited the cultivators' shop district in search of a martial technique for his cultivation.


Lucas accepted the technique and turned to Felicity, seeking guidance on what he should purchase, as he clearly lacked knowledge about the essentials for a cultivator.

Pondering the question, Felicity scrutinized Lucas, her eyes glowing in purple. When he noticed, he eventually inquired about it.

"This...? It's an aptitude or affinity inspection. I haven't done this with you before, so this might be an opportunity," she explained as they strolled through a line of shelves in an unfamiliar section.

"You can use your eyes for different things?" Lucas asked, surprised by the revelation that, aside from the passive abilities of the body, there was a way to utilize the eyes differently, much like his own eye abilities.

Although he could employ his eyes in various ways, he refrained from activating them as they interfered with his natural senses. For instance, an ability to see through mana circuits allowed him to observe the energy flow, but not the individual.

'Really... What a similarity! My previous world could use magic in martial arts, but they didn't emphasize it. Instead, they used mana to surpass human capabilities,' he reflected while admiring the world he now stood in.

'If only I could share my story with Felicity. However, she would probably stay calm even after hearing it. What a dilemma! I can't fully unseal my foreseeing ability, and worse, it's unstable and useless,' he added.


Finally snapping back to reality, Lucas realized he had been lost in thought for a few moments. He offered an awkward smile.

"Did you hear my explanation?" Felicity inquired in a slightly irritated tone.

Feeling uneasy, Lucas admitted he hadn't truly listened. Had she even explained it? He clearly missed that part.

"What were you talking about again?" he asked reluctantly, hands nervously scratching his nape.

Felicity sighed, confirming her earlier suspicion that Lucas hadn't been paying attention.

"I see... then I'll just have to explain it one more time," she muttered, continuing with furrowed eyebrows and a glare aimed at Lucas.

"You lack aptitude for any weapons. However, you do possess an aptitude for generic martial techniques, and the origin martial technique is one of them. It's fortunate to come across such a treasure in this realm," Felicity explained before letting out a sigh.

"Generic martial technique?" Lucas unconsciously muttered.

"Generic martial techniques are commonplace. For instance, a punch is generic, and anyone with arms can execute it. However, not everyone can punch accurately. That's where martial techniques come in—to enhance the capability of a generic attack."

"Obviously, this means you don't have any specific talents for weapons, so you can't wield them effectively. Therefore, a normal martial technique is what suits you best. Even if you use a sword, with this technique, you can adapt it into a sword technique since you lack knowledge of any specific sword techniques. Do you understand?"

Lucas didn't immediately respond as Felicity's explanation seemed contradictory.

She claimed he had no aptitude for any weapons, implying no talent for them. Yet, she also said he had an aptitude for generic martial techniques, suggesting that by using such techniques, he could adapt them to any weapon. Did it even make sense?

Unable to grasp Felicity's explanation, Lucas sought clarification, urging her to provide a briefer and clearer explanation.

Felicity sighed, realizing the difficulty Lucas was having.

"You lack talent for swords; thus, even if you practice sword techniques, you still won't be able to use them properly. However, in rare instances, someone unable to use a sword proficiently can perform impressively using a specific technique. To others, it may seem like a remarkable display of swordsmanship, but in reality, they are merely following the martial technique without possessing an inherent talent for it."

Lucas remained silent, slowly comprehending the explanation.

So, it essentially meant that individuals with an aptitude for generic martial techniques must lack talent with any specific weapons. Moreover, while they could mimic weapon usage with techniques, they were essentially copying what the technique dictated.

A question formed in Lucas's mind, prompting him to ask Felicity.

"If a sword practitioner practices generic martial techniques, what would happen?" he inquired, but before Felicity could respond, he immediately provided his own answer.

"It's impossible for them because they have a talent for swords. This means they can't embed the technique into their foundation."

From this explanation, Lucas grasped that techniques had compatibility. Moreover, it wasn't just about learning techniques; they had to be embedded in one's foundation, specifically in the dantian.