Mountain Temple [1]

"Alright. Do we need to purchase more?" Lucas inquired after addressing Felicity's query.

"For now, no. You must integrate this technique into your foundation first. Buying additional items would be futile as our primary focus is mastering this skill."

Lucas nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Felicity."

Felicity, caught off guard by the gratitude, was momentarily speechless and bewildered. She hadn't anticipated such acknowledgment from Lucas, leaving her unsure of how to react, as if there was a flaw in her understanding.

"He's just expressing gratitude!" She inwardly reassured herself.

"W-Well... There's no need to worry about it. I'm simply standing by my words," she reluctantly replied, attempting to boost her confidence despite the awkwardness.

Lucas offered only a sincere smile before heading to the cashier.

Felicity took a calm breath and followed Lucas to the counter.

Lucas used the money Arthur had given him as a gesture of gratitude to purchase the martial technique. Once done, they exited the shop and found a quiet spot on the city's outskirts to discuss their next steps.

"I feel like a dependent child," mumbled Lucas as he settled into a plant box near the city walls.

"It's understandable, given the limited knowledge," he continued before Felicity could respond.

"If you're wondering about our next move, focus on mastering the technique we just acquired," Felicity suggested.

Lucas inquired, "Where should I practice it?"

Felicity activated her Celestial Senses without responding, connecting with the Qi in the surrounding area, allowing her to perceive a 10,000 km radius.

For a brief moment, silence enveloped the scene as Felicity surveyed the area. Finally, she paused, directing her gaze towards Lucas.

"We should head to the Mountain Temple. It's a mountain with a flat top, making it an ideal location for your training," Felicity suggested.

Despite feeling somewhat directionless, Lucas nonchalantly shrugged off his uncertainty and rose with a smile. He sought to recollect his purpose and the reason he had embarked on the path of cultivation, sensing a slight emptiness within.

It wasn't a pursuit of power that motivated him. Surprisingly content with magic, even in a world lacking the mana he was accustomed to, Lucas wouldn't have cultivated solely to ascend to the upper heavens if not for the desire to coexist with other immortals. After contemplation, Lucas stood up, wearing an enthusiastic expression as if revitalized.

"Felicity, let's go! I'm eager to practice this martial technique."

Felicity, without uttering a word, nodded before taking flight. Lucas followed suit, momentarily forgetting their need for discretion.

As they soared through the sky for nearly two hours, passing diverse landscapes, cities, forests, mountains, and lakes, they eventually reached the southern part of the eastern region where the Mountain Temple awaited.

"Do you think the place will be devoid of people?" Lucas inquired.

Felicity cast a silent sidelong glance at him. "It's uninhabited. The journey takes months, and it's far from settlements."

"I see... So, I can have some privacy then," Lucas remarked.

"It won't be complete privacy. We still need permission from a specific individual since it's privately owned," Felicity explained.

"Really? Then why choose that location?" Lucas questioned.

Attempting to recall the reason, Felicity's lips quivered, triggering memories from her training days instead of providing a direct response to Lucas.

"It's because... I hope to find a trace of my friend from my training days. It was a place they owned, so I chose it," Felicity confessed, her head lowered, and her speed slightly decreasing.

Noticing the change, Lucas instinctively halted and approached her. "I don't know what happened, but if your decision has brought you sadness, I'm sorry," he offered, attempting to comfort Felicity.

"No, it's okay. Let's continue," she replied before resuming her movement.

Lucas didn't immediately follow, departing with a sympathetic expression.

'I guess I'll have to do my best for her,' he thought before trailing Felicity.

A few minutes later, a vast mountain came into view for Lucas. Surrounded by towering rock formations that almost seemed to touch the sky, clouds became more frequent as they approached. The mountain's peak remained hidden from sight.

Lucas marveled at the majestic sight, captivated by the towering mountains encircled by skyscraper-like rocks.

As Felicity slowly ascended, Lucas observed the flat land and the peak behind her. A pavilion adorned the flat space, leaving him curious about how a structure could endure such high altitudes. He pondered the sustainability of life in this location, considering the temple's seemingly well-maintained appearance since its foundation.

Felicity's brief smile faltered when she sensed a hostile aura emanating from the mountain. Choosing not to land on the pavilion, she paused, uncomfortable with the atmosphere.

"Wait a moment, Lucas. There's something wrong with this place. Can you indulge my selfish request?" Felicity asked after activating her Celestial Senses.

"Hm...? I'm all ears," Lucas replied casually, his gaze fixed on the pavilion.

"I think there's someone in that pavilion. It doesn't seem friendly towards other cultivators," she informed.

"Got it. So, what's the plan?"

Felicity hesitated briefly before sharing her thoughts.

"I want to go first. Please don't follow me," she requested, her words carrying a hint of reluctance.

Observing her shame, Lucas sighed with closed eyes. "Go. I'm not against it," he agreed, creating a platform in the air to sit on.

Felicity remained unperturbed, her attention fixed on the pavilion, showing no surprise.

"Thank you. I'll be back once I resolve this," she declared before descending to the pavilion.

However, her progress was impeded by barriers crafted from a formation. Not just any formation, but one created by a profound Array Master, evident from the symbol surpassing the standards of this world.

Undeterred, Felicity swung her sleeve, generating a ripple effect that shattered the formation. Cracks resonated as the barrier began to dissipate. Standing confidently, Felicity systematically dismantled each layer until she successfully landed.

"This is nostalgic," were the first words to escape Felicity's lips upon setting foot outside the pavilion.

The mountain's peak, broad and flattened, hosted a lone prominent pavilion.

"However, I can't recall any expert within her family, considering she stated that her family was cursed. It makes no sense for them to produce a formidable cultivator," she mumbled, reverting to her initial purpose for landing.