Confrontation of the South [1]

Everyone's attention was focused on one place when they least expected it. A presence suddenly appeared from above. It was heavy, making their breath limited as they watched a human figure descending.

"A young lady...?"

As Levitate and Demon Sword watched, a beautiful young lady in red robes solemnly looked down at them. With a fierce expression on their faces, what came to their mind to describe here was "fairy." It was unbelievable. They had never felt afraid, yet blessed at the same time to see someone. And between the sky and earth, light from her brightened, slightly blinding them. However, they could see what was happening.

There was a long curling body with feather-like shadows. The young lady changed her form. She was now a huge serpent with white feathers as her scales. And there was a surprise in their eyes, surprised at seeing the Feathered Serpent before their very eyes. They were stupefied.