Chapter Nine: First Friend

Two figures cloaked in shadow watched from a box seat high above the arena as Myra caught Yu gently.

"What can you tell me about what just happened?" Figure one asked.

"Well from the data collected from the wristband, it seemed that Yu was knocked out shortly after Ananias activated his family art of the Goliath. After that point he only kept getting up because the strength of his spirit and his will to win! It's remarkable really with the injuries he sustained...."

"Is that all?" Figure one asked figure two.

"No. It seems that this fight gave Yu the push he needed to turn his potential into a gift. It looks like he has all of the gifts; it's just that he can only use one at a time, and the higher the rank the shorter it last. It also appears that the gifts remain consistent but the ranks are always randomly selected like rolling a dice. The ranks he can access solely depend on the situation! And from the aruption of blue aura around his body I can tell the boy has the ability to manipulate his Ki....if this ability was mastered....well he could very well be the most powerful being in the world! This is truly one student we need to keep an eye on!"

"Does he remember anything."

"Not likely...he suffered a major concussion...itll be up to the students to tell him about his gift."

"Is that all."

"No. By the time Yu was finished with Ananias the boy had two broken arms, a crushed leg, a concussion, and a broken back. He is currently in a comma and might never fight again."

"Is that all."

"Yes headmistress." The headmistress of Strynon Academy walked away, happy with the results.

Yu awoke in his room. His whole body hurt like he had gotten hit by a speeding train."man do I feel like crap..." he said holding his head. He tried to get up but he noticed something was holding him down. He turned to see the sleeping form of Myra curled up in the crook of his arm black hair with greyish blue ends around her like a halo. Her modest sized bosom rested on his chest; this was the last straw. Yu jumped out of bed therefore awakening Myra. "How'd you get in my room!" Yu asked eyes wide. Myra yawned rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and then stretched." I carried you here about three days ago...." she said sleepily." I've been out for three whole days!" "Yup! I've been keeping you company...."Myra rose from the bed." Why were you sleeping with me!"Yu asked still suprised."well you just looked so cold and lonely...." Myra said shyly a blush reddening her cheeks, as she looked down." I have covers!" Yu said pointing to his thick bedsheets. "There's no substitute for the warmth of a body...or companionship!" Haven't I told you before.... friends are only a barrier becoming stronger!" Yu said turning away and reverting to that dark mood of his.

"Hold on let's talk about this...All I want to do is be your friend....or possibly more.....but you keep blocking me...what's wrong with you!" Myra shouted angrily. Yu only sighed oblivious to the part where Myra admired that she wanted to be more than just freinds." Fine...ill tell you why I'm like this...."Yu sat down on the couch. Myra took this as her que to sit and did so on the edge of the bed.

" I was born into one of the most powerful families in Japan....the Izanami family. I was born with no gift but overwhelming potential..."

"Wait so that's why when your gift finnaly awakened it was so strong!" Myra interrupted.

"Wait I have a gift!" Yu asked surprised." Yup and your S-Rank!"Myra commented. Yu's eye grew wide." That means it's finnaly days of being a lonely outcast are....over." "yeah yeah go on with the story!" Myra said eager for Yu to continue.

"Anyway so it was hard coming from a family that was so powerful and being the only one who didn't have a gift. All of my family are A-Rank gift weilders, the best of the best besides S-Rankers. Anyway since I had no gift no one would train me so I taught myself. Since I trained alone for so long I though I didn't need anyone else to become stronger so I exiled myself from people.My mantra became friends are only a barrier to becoming stronger. Although I did have one friend named Byakko who moved away to another part of Japan when I was about 10yrs old. he was supposed to go to this academy but I doubt I'll ever see him again.... Anyway You probably wonder why when I'm about to fight my mood changes?" Myra nodded her head. " The reason why is if I can win the tournament of God I can show my family that I deserve to learn the family art of the Dragon, but now since I have a gift I will be able to learn it. I can't believe it....I don't have to push people away now....."

"Well the academy is closed because of the damage you and Ananias causes during your fight. There's no point in keeping the school open if the arena is damaged so the students are being let go for a week. You can take me shopping, and carry all my bags, and we can go to the movies, or the arcade, and you can buy me food...."Myra rattled on and on about the possible things they could do together.

Yu smiled contently to himself as Myra continued to talk. Maybe having a freind won't be that bad.