Chapter Ten: Dragon, Phoenix, Serpent

Yu walked through Japan's shopping district carrying Myra's recently acquired shopping bags. Myra sat comfortably on his back as they walked from store to store buying things. At one point they even stopped to get some icecream which Myra was now eating cheerfully. The day was bright and sunny; perfect weather for a perfect day like this.

"Let's go there next!" Myra said pointing out a shopping mall. "Your not going anywhere..." a cruel voice said as a thug stepped out of the shadows between two buildings. The thug wore a heavy leather jacket with a metal chain on his black leather pants. He took a final puff from his cigar and flicked it away. It bounced off of Yu's chest landing on the paved ground."you know those cancer sticks will kill you right....?" Yu said in a relaxed manner ignorant of the situation. "Give us your bags and your money or else well have to...take it by force." The thug said stepping forward. "We?" Yu asked looking around for anyone else. "We." The thug answered as at least thirty other thugs stepped from the shadows surrounding Yu and Myra. Myra slowly got down from Yu's back to stand beside him. A huge crowd was slowly gathering as people came from the shops eager to see a fight."you'll have to take our stuff if you want it!" Yu said setting the bags down and setting into a fighting stance." Hold on let me join to!" A voice said as a boy about their age jumped into the air and landed in the town square beside Yu and Myra. He landed in a crouch holding his black top hat and slowly rose into a fighting stance as all three of them stood in a circle around the bags surrounded by thugs welding modified baseball bats as weapons.

The crowd behind them began cheering them on and some people took a seat at outside dining areas pulling out there phones and snapping pictures of the trio. They all flexed summoned mythical beast made of pure aura, Yu summoning a indigo Japanese dragon that coiled around his body. Myra summoned a Phonex made of black and red flame the hovered in the air behind her and the newcomer summoned a blue water serpent that too coiled around his body.

"So what's your name..." Yu asked casually. " Oh, my name is Taku Hatchman RANK-B gifted with water. I will be going to Archeon academy in the next city over... who's the girl..." Taku asked as he adjusted his black suit and straighted his matching hat, taping his short black cane with a white pear on top against the ground and strapping it to his back.

"I'm Myra Yamamoto RANK-A gifted with aura art of the Phoenix.... and the boy is Yu Izanami rank random gifted with everything."

"Huh? You mean Yu as in your name or you as in I am not you because he's obviously not me..." Taku asked adjusting his black hat once agin.

" Ah the everpresent joke....I'll explain later about my rank and gift...want to catch a movie after this?" Yu asked already liking this guy. "Oh sure let's just rap this up....real quick. You know what they say....teamwork makes the dreamwork!"Taku said continuing the casual banter.

"You know were still here, right! Your about to get robbed!" The thug shouted tired of being ignored. "Yeah, yeah, the thing is we don't care." Taku said checking the time on his expensive looking gold watch. Yu was really, really starting to like this guy.

"Together?" Yu asked Myra and Taku. "What other way?" Myra commented with a small smile as the Dragon, Phoenix, and Serpent sprang into battle. The crowd cheered snapping photos and drinking drinks like this was a casual event. Yu dodged a baseball bat swung his way and countered with a low sweeping kick. Another bat came his way and he wispered "Yu Izanami original....counter of the Jade Dragon." He knocked the bat aside and hit the man in the stomach with his palm sending him flying along with the aura image of a green colored Japanese Dragon that swirled knocking many other thugs down.

Myra was a blur as she created an aura katana made of black flame as her weapon of choice cutting baseball bats in half as well as slicing the clothes of the thugs making them waddle away in embarrassment. This drew many laughs from the crowd.

Taku was moving as fluently as water landing strong purposefully strikes. It was as if he made very move with purpose and wasted none of his attack energy. Yu stopped to watch him defeat thug after thug constantly attacking and never stopping. "Hey show me how to do that!" Yu asked happily with a huge smile on his face as he turned his back to all of the bandits. He continued to block attacks as if he didn't need to see his enemies with his eyes. "Now?" Taku asked as he moved inside of one opponents gaurd and delivered multiples punches and with the last purposeful strike a shockwave of power echoing out of the attack sending the thug flying backward where he fell onto the table of a dining toddler who screamed and stabbed the thug with a spoon and butter knife.

"Is there a better time!"Myra joked still using her sword to disarm thugs.

"All you have to do is not waste any energy by continuing your movements....but add power and purpose at the same time!" Taku instructed brushing lint of off his black suit and adjusting his hat.

"Like this?" Yu asked as he performed a perfect roundhouse kick and then continued the motion into a sweeping kick. He chained that into a jumping front kick and then another roundhouse kick. Yu then performed back to back roundhouse kicks not stopping to waste any energy. From every strike a shockwave of power echoed out sending the black clad thugs flying.

" that!" Taku murmered astonished at how fast Yu had learned to perform a tecnique that had talked him his whole life of sixteen years to master."hey this gives me a new idea for an original!" Yu said stop his attack. "Yu Izanami original.....whirling combo of the purple dragon!" Yu backflipped into a Handstand and began to spin around like a breakdancer landing a series of flashy kicks at every thug that dared to approach him. A Japanese dragon made of pure purple aura whirled around him as he created a cyclone taking out the remaining thugs. The move was so powerful the onlookers had to sheild themselves to prevent being blown away.

Yu stopped the attack, sprang back up and landed in a perfect crouch with a radiant smile on his face. Something's different about the way he fights's like hes actually having fun!" Myra thought to herself as she stepped forward beside Yu giving her glowing black katana a twirl before sheathing it in an imaginary scabbard, letting it go as it disappeared back into thin air. "Well that was fun!" Yu said closing his eyes and putting both hands behind his head. Taku joined them both straightening the cuffs of his tuxedo, and grabbing the shopping bags in the process. In all of the caos they forgot about the lead thug.

He ran at Yu determined to do some damage but Yu simple stuck out his foot and pressed against the lead thugs head stopping his charge. The lead thug continued to try to reach Yu swinging his arms erratically, but the trio continued to ignore him. The crowd begin to clap and cheer and Yu soaked it all in. This was truly a fun day. "So about that movie...?" Taku asked as Yu pushed his foot down slamming the thugs head into the concrete and knocking him out. " kinda poor at the moment so well just go to my house!"he exclaimed walking away from the cheering crowd. "Yay!" Myra exclaimed as she jumped on Yu's back again and the duo of freinds continued on there way now a trio.