Chapter Eleven- Siblings

By the time Yu Taku and Myra reached there destination it was already nightime. They turned the short corner to see a house about the size of a mansion sitting infront of them.

"Man how'd you afford all this!" Taku asked as he gave the house a look up and down. "Well my family is kinda sorta rich.....coming from a family that's famous for fighting has its perks!" Yu commented nonchalantly as he slid the key into the door and entered. As he stepped in an automated female voice greeted them. "Hello master Yu... I see you brought some freinds with you..."

"Yes I have Lucy....can you prepair some popcorn and drinks....I'll be showing them around the house before we go to the inhome movie theater..." Yu said waving his hand aside and turning around the the astonished faces of Myra and Taku. "Well what are you guys waiting for...make yourselves at home..." Yu said with a large smile, his electric blue eyes twinkling, as he begain to show them around his home.

In the end Yu had three stories, five bedrooms, a manga and anime full library,a chefs dream kitchen, a state of the art movie theater and in the basement   a full underground training complex and arena. "Well that's pretty much everything there is!" Yu said as Myra and Taku spun around to take it all in. "Well unless you guys are gonna just stand there and gape at my can go get changed in the other rooms into something more comfortable."

"Ohhhh, Is that right dear brother!"

"Ahhhh!!!"Yu nearly jumped out of his skin. Everyone turned twords the living room to see a girl with flaming red hair and blue eyes sitting calmly in a chair. "Yin don't scare me like that!" Yu said as he ran twords her and hugged her. The two embraced for a while making Taku and Myra uncomfortable. "Everyone this is my little sister of fifteen years Yin Izanami." "It is a pleasure to meet you all....who's the busty girl and the fancy boy..."  Yin asked pointedly.

Yu then grabbed Yin's head and gave her red hair a ruffle. "Im sorry you guys my sister just has a bad habit of speaking her's like she tells everything she thinks as is..." Yu said addressing Myra who's mouth was open. Taku's expression was much more severe. He immediately ran over to Yin's chair and bowed deeply. "I've never seen such beauty…to think someone this divine looking would be related to Yu!" Taku said looking at Yin. Yin put out a deep blush and Yu took the liberty to smack some sense back into Takus face with a quick slap.

Once everyone had settled down properly they all sat down in the home theatre to watch a movie. Soon Myra got tired and fell asleep. That's when the problems started. Myra rolled over in her sleep right onto Yu and rapped her arms around his neck. Taku and Yin begain snickering and silently left to head to the kitchen to grab more snacks. Yu just begain to blush, do to the fact that girls made him nervous. As a child it was rare that he had experience the other the opposite sex besides his mother or his sister so having a beautiful girl that he kinda sorta liked, use him as a pillow made him nervous. "She looks so cute sleeping" Yu though to himself as he looked down at Myra.

From the kitchen Yu and Taku were talking while looking around the corner at the two. " I can see a ship forming in the harbor ..." Yin teased. " Yup there in love and they just don't know it yet." Taku said as he rubbed his hands together and both grinned evily unaware of the bond forming between the two of the

Back in the living room the movie finnaly ended. Yu hate wake Myra up but he had to. He gently shook her awake. "Wahhhh..." Myra said as she woke up  and looked directly into the face of Yu who was blushing deeply. She herself begain to blush and jumped out of his arms. "Hmmmph." Myra exclaimed as she puffed out her cheeks adorably and stomped of to her bedroom. Yu sighed and heeded of to his room to also go to bed. Taku and Yin stayed in the kitchen talking the night away.