The Red Tiger

After Tyr accepted the money he had made 15 million he had no idea what to spend money on so he decided to go and get a new house. He went to the treasure guild that was near by which was still a good walk away he looked at the building and it was extremely tall atleast 600 stories high. He went inside and was greeted by a very old man he had balding grey hair and was wearing reading glasses. Tyr thought he had to be from the first generation he walked up to him and said " i would like to buy a new house" the old man looked up from his book and nodded he pick up a notebook and gave it to Tyr. Tyr grabbed the notebook and started to scroll threw it there were to many fancy houses so he decided to buy some land with a little house on it. He told the old man and the old man looked surprised " are u sure u want that one? noone wants to buy that one it has been vacant for years". Tyr didn't worry much he just wanted to get the house it was perfect for him because he could keep Krista as his receptionist if he moved across town he would have to get a new one and thats a really big hassle for him. Tyr looked at the old man and said " well its a first time for everything how much is it" the old man just sighed and looked at the computer and said " its 8.5 million tax free because of the lack of buyers it comes with 10 acres and a small house ". Tyr was excited he gave the old man the money and took the keycard and left. The house was only 2 miles away so it didn't take long to get there. There was even a road that led him all the way to the front steps. He walked up to the door and slid the card threw the side of the thumb reader it was the only way to reset the owner. He registered his thumb and opened the door the place was very clean and fully furnished which surprised him. When he walked inside tho he stopped in his tracks he felt a very dangerous presence. when he looked to his right he saw a big red tiger with no stripes and its claws were atleast a foot long. It was sleeping but Tyr couldn't move he felt if he moved it would wake and attack him. Tyr started to back step out of the door but as soon as his leg moved the red tiger perked its head up and looked directly at Tyr. Tyr froze not knowing what to do when Suddenly the tiger spoke " do u own this house now?" asking while tilting its head. Tyr said " yes I just bought it who might u be" Tyr still didn't move he was still standing with one foot back. "I am Tilla what is ur name" Tyr was surprised by the fact he was having a conversation with a wild animal and for as scary as it looked its name didn't do it justic. " I'm Tyr Dragon im sorry if I disturbed your sleep ill be going now" after he said that he tried to leave he turned to walk away but something grabbed his arm when he turned he saw a beautiful women standing there naked she was perfectly curvy and had long red hair. " why are u leaving " asked Tilla Tyr was shocked and looked at her " are u the tiger I just saw" noticing the tiger was missing " yes I am I thought I would changed into something that wouldn't scare u off is this form good" smiling while she said it and did a twirl. Tyr was blushing when he looked at her do that " ofcourse its better but could u please but some clothes on" . When he looked back he noticed she was clothed "why were u here" Tyr asked Tilla just ignored him and layed on the couch " I work for u now thats all there is to anything u need or want ill do my best to get it" Tilla said in an innocent voice . Tyr didn't know what any of that meant he was just glad he wasn't killed by the creature " what type of creature is she anyway is she a shape-shifting type?" Tyr said to himself " what level are u if u don't mind me asking" Tyr quietly said Tilla looked back at him and smiled while she said " 150 what about u Master Tyr ". Tyr almost fainted she was way stronger then he was there was no way he could kick her out. "I guess I'm stuck with u im sorry im so weak " Tyr said while shrugging his shoulders Tilla looked at him with an expressionless face " Tyats why im here ill teach u and help u get stronger Master Tyr" Tyr had no idea if it was the truth or not but he decided to go along with it for now.