
After Tyr calmed down he left he had no idea why Tilla was there or why he was suddenly her master. He didn't want that responsibility he wasn't that type of person he just wanted to level up and be stronger. Tyr decided to head back to the hunting guild to get a job so he can get more exp. When he got there Krista was waiting for him she smiled at him when she saw him and said " I hope your here for the date". Tyr just looked at her and smiled " I am actually here for a job if you don't mind could you see if any are available for me " winking after he told her. She was upset because of this but she said " yes I actually have a job for you its a hunting one ofcourse for a Sealed Fox ". Tyr looked puzzled " i have never heard or seen one do you have a picture and an area I can go to". Krista pulled out a folder and gave it to Tyr " The pay is 30,000 if you kill it 100,000 if you can capture and adult or a baby". Tyr had never captured a creature before so he didn't want to know the capture fee. " ok I accept judging from the distance and level its going to take me a while maybe a month" Tyr said sounding depressed. Krista was happy as always " ok I will put u down for 1 month as you know if you pass the elated time your pay is decreased ". Tyr knew the rules he was just depressed that he was only getting low level creatures to hunt if he didn't get to level 10 soon all he will be able to hunt is level 5 at best. After he accepted he walked to the gate and headed west. "The file says that the fox lives in Mystic Forrest I've never been there but I heard it's hard to miss" Tyr said to himself as he walked. After walking for 10 miles he finally found it the forest was full of trees that were bigger then the tallest skyscraper. it had a weird glow to the entire thing but it was more of a haze then anything. " It really is a mystic forest " Tyr said out loud forgetting he was alone it made him chuckle. Tyr entered the forest and kept walking " the file doesn't give an exact place it just says it wanders around here. what kind of intel is that" Tyr said to himself. After walking around for a bit he saw the shadow of a creature. It was slowly walking towards him Tyr kept wondering how he sensed it was there or see a shadow. " It must be my passive sixth sense thats awesome I don't think I can every be snuck up on" Tyr said to himself as he prepared himself. he summond his wolf sword and centipede armor right when the creature jumped out he teleported to the side and it landed on nothing and turned around. Tyr saw what it was and frowned " another Irregular looks like i ran out of luck" Tyr said to himself. Tyr finally got a look at the creature it had 3 heads and a lion body each head was different the left head looked like an eagle The middle one looked like a lion and the head on the right was a ram. " Its a tarlog they aren't supposed to be here they belong in the level 50 areas" Tyr said struggling to keep composer. Tyr did have time to run the Tarlog jumped at him slashing right before the claws met Tyr's head he teleported next to it and sliced its tail off. Purple blood was spraying everywhere the tarlog let out a loud roar from all three heads. Tyr didn't stop there after he cut off the tail he teleported again and sliced the ram head off. The lion head spit fire at him but he dodged everyone with teleport. After losing so much blood Tyr was able to cut the eagle head off cause more blood to spew. The lion collapsed and laid there barely breathing Tyr walked over and stabbed its brain then he heard the announcement. "Irregular Tarlog kill successful 2,000 exp gained calculating..." Tyr sighed with relief " Teleport is amazing as long as i have high stamina i can do it and it works well with sixth sense i was able to tell when it was going to attack before it did" Tyre was excited about his selection of passives and abilities. While Tyr was in excitement the announcement rang in his head "Calculation complete level 18 achieved Irregular Tarlog soul sword gained choose a passive or ability" . Tyr was shook he leveled up so fast he had no idea how to react he looked at his Armor chain and said the name as soon as he did a 5 foot greatsword showed up it was pure white and had a blue handle. It was very light in Tyr hands which was strange it should be heavy for a greatsword. Tyr grabbed some meat the 2 heads he chopped off and the tail and kept walking he still need to hunt the Sealed Fox " This trip might give me more benefits then I thought" Tyr said with a smile.