Killing the fox

After blindly walking around for 3 hours Tyr didn't see anymore creatures. He was about to give up when he saw a big batch of brush. It wasn't natural it was made by something. When he got closer he saw a hole in the center of the brush with a giant wolf like creature sleeping in it. Tyr got excited he finally found the fox it was way bigger then he expected he was expecting something small like the ones back on earth. But it wasn't it was exactly like the description but bigger. It had fur the was completely silver and the tips of the ears were sharp like a knife. Tyr got closer trying to kill it while it was sleeping but it picked its head up and looked at him growling. when it moved its head Tyr saw 3 pairs of eyes looking at him under the fox there was 3 baby's but they were as big as a full grown wolf. Mamma wolf was twice there size she started coming out she attack after the first step she made. The mamma fox was really fast and Tyr almost didn't dodge in time he had a surprised look on his face " I thought she was only supposed to be level 5 ". Tyr just kept dodging he could only dodge for now he hadn't equipped his swords or armor yet. The mamma fox flashed and slashed Tyr in the arm and tried to bite him. Tyr teleported away before she bit down on him he quickly summond his greatsword and armor and teleported to the fox and used his ability space slash the fox didn't have any way to dodge it raised its rail to defend but the slash went threw the fox and cut the ground. The fox made a shrieking noise and fell apart the announcement began playing in his head. "Sealed Fox Queen kill successful 500 exp gained calculating..." Tyr was surprised "What does the title queen mean was that the reason it was so strong" Tyr didn't have time to think he heard low whimpering sounds coming out of the nest. The three baby foxes looked scared and sad Tyr didn't want to kill them it didn't feel right to him so he searched for some twine and tied them up. He was good at making things up on the spot so he made a makeshift drag-cart and put the baby's on it and started walking. As soon as he started the announcement played again " Calculation complete level 20 achieved select an ability or passive" then a white light shot in front of him with 3 abilities one was Cross Slash the second was Space Slash 2 and the last one was Fly. " looks like I don't get to choose 3 this time but its better then nothing I thought for sure I would get more but I didn't get any when I leveled up to 18" Tyr looked up Fly it didn't mean what he thought it was a transform ability he didn't like those so he chose Space Slash 2. after he selected another white light shot up with 3 more it was Great Health, Great Speed, Great endurance. That was tricky but he is glad he got to choose one of both thats better then anyone can get. Tyr decided on Great Health that would boost his life force alot and give him a little extra endurance. As soon as he chose the announcement played " Space Slash levels up to 2 congratulations " Tyr was happy about that he continued out of the forest dragging the baby's and the mamma fox head . It took him alot longer to get back dragging the baby's took alot if effort. After a week he finally got back and went to the hunting guild Krista met him with a smile " Tyr ur back how did the hunt go" she look at his back and saw the heads and tail of the Tarlog he placed it on the table and said " I killed this out there how much do I get for it " Krista looked at him with shock again " thats a Tarlog it shouldn't of been out there im glad u killed it are u ok." She looked at him worried " im fine how much for it" she looked at the paperwork " 100,000 per head and the tail is 20,000" Krista was surprised how normal he was acting " did u hunt the Sealed fox" said Krista. Tyr looked at her and said "Yes but there was something strange when I killed it the announcement called it a Sealed Fox Queen do u know what that means" Krista shook her head " I've only been working here since u started i pretty much know what u do bring it in so I can analyze it." Tyr went and brought the head in and she stuck it in the machine " i have 3 of its baby's outside they are alive" Krista gasped " are u sure they are all this foxs baby's" Tyr was confused " they were all in its nest after I killed it" Krista shook her head " The Sealed Fox can only have 1 child have 2 is rare but having three has never been heard of." Tyr looked shocked for a second "well i delivered may i please be paid now" Krista smiled and added the money into his account. Tyr headed out and stopped at the bottom steps." Guess ill have to figure out how to deal with Tilla now" and he left for home.