First day in konoha 1

Seeing that I had a long night ahead of me and I was feeling energetic from the pill, I started organizing my memories to remember what I know about this fictional world that I was a fan of so long ago.

Thankfully it seemed like my memory was enhanced thanks to either my bloodline or body talent because I was able to remember some events and linking them to my current situation.

'The timeline should be around 5 years after the nine tails incident because I am of the same age as the protagonists so I need to be careful, otherwise, I will be a goner in the Uchiha massacre that's going to happen around two years from now!

Resolving that should be my first priority or at least ensuring my life' after deciding for a general direction of what my close term goal should be I passed the rest of the night training my body using simple exercises like pushups, sit-ups, squats and so on and when I am physically tired I used the rest of the time to train my chakra control and meditate a little to raise my chakra quantity.

After a few hours of training, he felt his body getting stronger and his chakra quantity increased so he opened his status and found some increase in his attributes.

' Advance body talent is really broken, this way my training speed is 16 times faster than a normal person so it's like I trained for 16 nights'.

Next, he saw two new skills:

Chakra manipulation LVL 3 (32% exp): the higher the level the lesser chakra you waste when casting a jutsu and the easier it is to manipulate your chakra.

Meditation LVL 2 (50% exp): the higher it is the faster you increase your chakra, greatly increase chakra regeneration rate while in meditation.

'It was harder to increase meditation because I couldn't clear my mind from the suddenness of what's happened to me ' I thought while sighing.

Seeing that it's already morning and the sun started rising I decided to go cook some breakfast so I walked to my simple kitchen and looked at the ingredients I have ' some eggs and rice and some condiments that's it huh ' again I let another sigh because of the miserable life this kid had ' but all this will change very soon ' I thought with a cold look.

Looking at what I have, I felt my cooking talent kicking in and I started cooking as if by instinct cooking the rice with some condiments and frying the eggs, and even though it was simple, the taste was still so good! 'Any talent can be useful' I thought before wolfing down my food since I was hungry from all the training I did.

Finishing with this I washed the dishes I used for eating and cooking and went outside to take a walk around the clan compound and the village.

Exiting my simple house I saw that many of the houses around weren't of that good of quality and remembered that the Uchiha were exiled to the outskirts of the village by the elders of the village after Danzo kept blaming them for the nine tails attack.

I saw many kids of age going to the ninja academy outside the village with youthful faces different from the old people with gloomy faces knowing the true reality and situation of their clan and maybe feeling its impending doom...

After a few laps, I finally found my first target to improve my situation, it was a 5 years old kid with black eyes handsome face, and slightly spiky hair this was the son of the Uchiha clan head and the second protagonist of the story Sasuke Uchiha.

'He seems to be heading to the forest huh let follow him for now ' and so I followed until he reached the forest I just kept watching him and saw that he was training his shuriken jutsu on some targets in the trees with a very focused expression on his face.

'Ooh, this kid is pretty good at this young age ' even though he wasn't hitting the bull's eye most of the time, at least his aim was right and he didn't miss the target.

And so I approached him with as much stealth as I can and his concentration helped in him not noticing me and when I was right behind him I simply leaned my head to his ear and said "boo"

And he jumped as if he saw a ghost and turned to look at me with a slightly pale face before it turned to anger and he said "what do you think you are doing?"

I looked at his cute face trying to act mature after I saw him scared like that and I said with a chuckle and a friendly face "hehehe do you want to be a ninja?"

He looked at me with a determined face and said "yes I am going to be a great ninja like my big brother" I saw in his eyes the deep admiration he had for Itachi ' Itachi huh ...'

"great ninja huh " I said before my friendly face turned into a serious and dignified one and I could see that he felt my aura suffocating him

'Why does it feel like I am looking at father ' Sasuke thought while feeling a little intimidated before he heard me say

"And what great ninja leaves his back open to his potential enemies" he looked at me with surprise and retorted childishly "we are in the Uchiha clan, nobody can harm me here" and I simply thought ' oh how deeply wrong you are' before I said to him

"Yes this place is safe but that doesn't mean you don't need to train your awareness of your surroundings to the point it becomes an instinct"

Sasuke made an annoyed face because he could tell I was right but his childish personality didn't allow him to admit it so he snorted and said to me instead "humph mastering shuriken jutsu is way more useful than your stupid awareness"

This time I just coldly looked at him and asked him "do you think you are smart?"

He puffed his cheeks and said with pride "of course I am smartest other than my brother"

I smiled and said "so answer me this" and without giving him the choice to answer or not I continued "if you were thrown in a forest right now with enemies stronger than you everywhere what you think is more useful shuriken jutsu or awareness of where the danger is to avoid it?"

He looked at me with the most annoyed look so far and with some frustration he said " okaaaay awareness is more important now leave I need to train before brother comes back"

I just smiled and said " sure go ahead " but I didn't leave and kept watching him closely not letting him concentrate and making his accuracy worse than before which made him annoyed.

"What are you still doing here" Sasuke said

" I have nothing to do so I am just passing my time " I simply shrugged and said and what I did next made him even more annoyed as I grabbed some of his shurikens and started practicing on a tree like him.

"Hey those are mine go train somewhere else" and I said with a creepy smile "I either train or I keep watching what do you like more?"

Looking at my creepy smile, made him think that he will never be able to concentrate on his training he quickly turned around and continued his training making the choice very clear.

I just smiled at this little kid and concentrated on my throwing, something I noticed about this system is I have two options to use my skills.

First through the system meaning the effect of the skill depends on its level and this will only cause a slight increase in experience, meanwhile, the second method is to personally use the skill without assistance, this gives huge experience depending on how good the improvements I added to the skill.

For example, in this case, while I am learning shuriken jutsu which is throwing all kinds of weapons.

I quickly got the skill but instead of using it I kept adjusting my form and seeing which one is best and thanks to the system, my mastery is ingrained in me so I quickly forgot about time while training and I gained an understanding!

'Shuriken jutsu is the combination of many things.

First the characteristics of the weapon you use; mainly the weight and the shape. The form used to control the angle and the power behind the throw and lastly the environment mainly the effect of the wind'.

And so first I got used to the shurikens and kunais.

Then, I kept adjusting myself to my two other requirements, and before long 2 hours passed and I noticed that any shot I make was a bull's eye so I stopped for now because I noticed Sasuke looking at me like some kind of monster and I simply said with my hand raised "Yo".