First day in konoha 3

After entering the house, Mikoto led me to the dining room while she said she was going to finish her preparations and bring the food.

Sasuke volunteered to help her and I followed after him but she refused us and said just wait here and so we sat around the table and it quickly became awkward with Sasuke killing the mood with his silence so I decided to break it

" hey Sasuke where's your brother you talked about?"I asked curiously and he replied that his brother was busy doing missions and his father Fugaku was always busy managing the clan so most of the time he's only around with his mother.

Then he switched to talking about how great his brother is and it felt like a dam was broken and I was hit by a tsunami of his admiration for his brother ' sigh why did I open this Pandora box and provoke this fan boy' I regretfully thought.

Thank god it didn't take long for Mikoto didn't take long to come back and the table was quickly filled with dishes.

She prepared a few dishes for each of us consisting of gyudon which is basically a bowl of rice with beef on the top seasoned with different ingredients and spices. With that, there is also a bowl of miso soup and a small salad.

I quickly thanked her for the food and started tasting everything since I was quite hungry from the training and to my pleasant surprise everything was really tasty.

"Waw Mikoto-san your food is really delicious" I faked the tone to appear childish but the compliment was from the heart.

Mikoto smiled happily from the compliment and said "you two should eat well to become a great ninja and protect the village"

I just smiled at her and continued stuffing my face with the food while Sasuke responded with an excited look

"Of course mother I will become a great ninja and protect everyone"

'How innocent, as a jonin level ninja and the wife of the clan head, she surely knows how bad the clan situation is and how wronged they are by the village yet she still tries to not raise her kids with hate sigh.

unfortunately, those elders don't think the same and they only work for their benefits, with this kind of rigged chess game you either don't play at all and leave the village or you flip the board and go for an all-out war bringing down with you as much as you could.

Yet they just chose the worst possible course of action and that is they put their trust on their enemy a very useless enemy with the name of Sarutobi Hiruzen ' sigh I felt like I need to stop thinking otherwise I will grow older quickly, oh wait i am already old...

It didn't take long before we finished our lunch and I decided to go for a walk around the village and I asked Sasuke to accompany me which he agreed and so we headed out but not before we heard Mikoto say " Bakorio-kun come by whenever you want okay ? " and gave me a hug.

'What a nice woman you deserve to live more and I am going to make sure you will' I thought in my head while I said with a smile " um I will come by sometimes thank you" and so we left while she waved at us from the door and told Sasuke not to be late for dinner.

We started walking and we left the Uchiha compound and I thought that I should visit as many places as I can to make a map and get familiar with the village and the moment I had this thought I heard a notification ring in my head and a message appeared:

*would you like to create the map function: cost 150 points y/n?*

Surprised at this new use of the system. I didn't hesitate and said yes and suddenly on the top corner of my vision I can see a square map like those of a game and I can zoom in and out but most places are dark other than Uchiha compound and the path I am walking on right now.

I noticed that whenever I move the area in a diameter of 15 meters around will get cleared so with this I won't need to get too close to some restricted areas to explore them which is good.

And so we enjoyed our walk but to make it exciting for Sasuke I challenged him to have a race throughout the village and see if he can keep up with me, of course, this is for me to speed up my exploration and train my body at the same time.

2 and a half hours later two kids one with straight dark hair seemed to have a victorious smile on his face while the one with the spiked dark hair had a defeated and tired look can be seen going back in the direction of the Uchiha compound before the first one stopped in front of a shop and bought some groceries.

Afterward, he entered a shop that sells training equipment and bought some weights before lastly ending his shopping spree at a bakery and bought two boxes of sweets giving one of them to the second kid while saying " Sasuke take these to your mother and thank her for the earlier lunch"

Sasuke didn't say anything and just nodded from the exhaustion, exchanged some small goodbye, and decided to train again tomorrow together before he started walking in the direction of his house and I did the same.

Now, many people will ask why won't I just go interact with Naruto and maybe complete another quest while at it right? unfortunately, it's not easy with my identity as an Uchiha and him being the nine tails jinchuriki having Anbu guarding him 24h.

if I approach him they will report it to the Hokage and those rotten elders might make it a reason to pressure the Uchiha clan even more and frame them for trying to control the Kyubi again which will make the time of the Uchiha revolution incident come earlier and catch me unprepared after all currently I could barely be considered a Genin.

This is the reason why someone like Mikoto Uchiha who was a good friend of Naruto's mother Kushina couldn't adopt him or approach him to take care of him which is unfortunate considering Naruto could have led a better life but this just goes to show how heartless those village elders are especially the Hokage since he promised Naruto's parents to take care of him.

So I need to be careful in my approach and the best way is to make it knows that he was the one that approached me and to do that I will need to plan a little bit for it and I should raise my strength some more just in case.

As for the money to buy the groceries I just exchanged one point from the system for 10000 Ryo.

After I entered my simple house I organized my groceries and started training my routine of body training this time with weights and meditating for the rest of the day until night fell and the moon rose.

I dragged my exhausted body to make a quick dinner consisting of fried meat and vegetables with rice which I quickly wolfed down thanking the benefits of my cooking talent again and went to sleep to let my body that was tired from training and my mind exhausted from all the acting to avoid raising suspicion rest from this long day...My first day in this new world.


Hi author here, please share in the comments if you have any advice of how the story should go, I would appreciate it greatly: d