System items

AN: the promised third chapter today // ENJOY.

Back inside the seal space, the attraction force around Minato kept increasing and no one there knew what it was attracting, whether it was fortune or misfortune, except the person who caused this incident. He watched with intrigue how the events are going to turn out.

Suddenly everyone started feeling danger, even the clueless Naruto, and the atmosphere started feeling heavy and eerie and behind Minato, a specter much larger than an average human with a demonic face appeared.

It had long shaggy white hair from which two red horns protrude, as well as purple-colored skin. It is draped in a large white kimono and wears a set of prayer beads around its neck and a tanto in its mouth.

Looking at it, everyone was terrified, even Kurama stood up because he still remembers clearly how this figure sealed his other half away in Minato.

The reaper looked at me for a moment and I can see it seemed surprised at my existence for some reason but it ignored me for now since it has a target, the one attracting it.

Minato was shocked because he didn't summon it and his body froze making him realize that nothing can save him from being completely sealed inside the death reaper and he can see it in slow motion thanks to his monstrous reaction speed as the reaper removed the tanto from its mouth revealing sharp jagged teeth and a serpentine tongue, it lifted the tanto in the air and slashed it straight at Minato.

Time felt like it stopped the instant the tanto was about to slash him and suddenly 7 thin white chains came out of his abdomen completely incapacitating the death reaper before two thick black ones come out from the same place making it show a scared face.

One entered straight into the death reapers abdomen retrieving Minato's soul while the other went inside its head, its purpose unknown but after this, the reaper stayed no longer and faded away while the attraction force around Minato helped him absorb his soul and he recovered completely to his previous level and some more, now only lacking a body.

'So this is how the system items work, they achieve their purpose no matter what' I thought, as in this case a simple chakra regenerating pill transformed into some crazy sealing techniques.

Slowly everyone came back from their shock and Minato and Kurama quickly looked at me and said at the same time "What was that!!!"

'They didn't even notice they are acting the same way' I thought with amusement and simply shrugged at them " someone gave me that pill and said it could regenerate chakra, I didn't think it regenerates chakra no matter what, what a surprise right?" I said with a chuckle.

"But more importantly go have a talk with Naruto first, Minato" Minato sent me one last doubtful look but he was happy anyways and went to talk with Naruto while I just went to Kurama and had some small talk with him until the father and son finish catching up.

Before long Minato came back with Naruto in his arms, after he arrived in front of me he put Naruto down and bowed deeply to me and said " thank you very much, if not for you I wouldn't be able to have this moment with Naruto"

It was funny because even while bowing he was still taller than me which made me annoyed at my small body but I buried this feeling deep down and said with a serious face " raise your head Minato, now you work for me, and those who follow me bows to no one ".

But unfortunately a 5 years old making a serious face is simply funny and it showed as Minato gave me a sunny smile while saying "yes" instead of responding seriously which made me annoyed and I wanted to smash his face in but I held myself back.

"Minato, explain to your wife if she wants to accept the same deal or not, if she agrees I can give her another pill"

Minato was excited that I still have more of this miraculous pill and quickly communicated with Kushina's soul and before long a fair-skinned and slender woman of feminine build with violet eyes, and the common Uzumaki red hair. Her hair was straight and reached her thighs with shoulder-length strands that framed both sides of her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left. She was wearing a high-collared, sleeveless blouse under a long, loose-fitting dress with a wristband on her left wrist and standard shinobi sandals. This was the mother of Naruto and Minato's wife Kushina Uzumaki.

The moment she appeared she rushed to Naruto and hugged him tightly for a while with tear pouring out of her eyes. And I approached her telling her she needs to take this pill or else she will dissipate.

Kushina looked at the kid around her son's age and the pill he's giving her curiously ' this is person Minato promised to work for, I hope he becomes good friends with Naruto' she thought before looking at her husband who gestured at her to quickly eat the pill and so she did without hesitation because of her trust on her husband, plus she was going to dissipate anyways if she doesn't take it.

Kushina experienced her chakra coming back again which surprised her and before long she was back to her full capacity without having to go through a similar incident to the one with the death reaper.

Again I waited a bit for them to finish their family reunion before I explained to them my plan about creating an anti seal for Kurama and they agreed to it after they saw my relationship with him. We also discussed how to deal with their lack of bodies but we came with no solution for it for now.

Finally I decided to leave but not before I asked Minato to teach me the shadow clone jutsu which he gladly did.

After I left the seal space with Naruto I noticed that it was almost dark so I took Naruto outside for dinner with me before I sent him back home and I went back to my house too and felt exhausted from everything that happened tonight and quickly fell asleep.

Next morning after I had a nice breakfast I took Sasuke with me and went to pick up Naruto before we headed to the orphanage, because I need to make it seem as if I like helping orphans to lessen the suspicions around me getting close to Naruto. But, in the end my identity as an orphan myself and a 5 years old one at that, is the best reason to not be suspicious of me.

In our way to the orphanage, we came across an incident that made me frown, three young kids that seemed poor and quite dirty were playing around chasing each other before one of them a young girl tripped on a stone and bumped into a men wearing the normal ninja clothing and fell down on her butt.

"s-sorry mister I didn't see you" the girl timidly said.

The man which I could tell is an Uchiha from his dark hair and eyes looked at the kids as if they were ants and kicked the girl away while saying arrogantly "how dare you attack me and dirty the clothes of a member of the Uchiha police force, you should be taught a lesson" uncaring about the disgusted faces everyone was giving him the man walked towards the three kids ready to beat them up but someone beside me quickly stepped in front of them and yelled at him "what do you think you are doing " an angry Sasuke said.